Logomania, are you in? - Logos by Mike Frederiqo

Dibujar no es algo sencillo, dibujar bien, claro, sin embargo hay quien no sólo lo hace magníficamente si no que además tiene una perspicacia innata. Este es el caso de Mike Frederiqo, un diseñador gráfico que ha encontrado en la logomanía su fuente de inspiración.
Bajo el nombre ?Logos by Mike Frederiqo? este artista ha logrado unir diseñador y firma de una forma tan poco convencional como literal. En ellos Ralph Lauren se transforma en un jugador de polo, Coco Chanel pone a prueba su flexibilidad para sorprendernos con una doble C bastante inusual y Marc Jacobs hace lo propio con el nombre completo de su firma.
Si pensabais que lo habíais visto todo en lo que a logos respecta, estabais equivocados, hay vida más allá de los Speedy repletos del monograma LV.
Drawing is not an easy thing, drawing properly of course; nonetheless there are some people that do it in a magnificent way and full of astonishing cleverness. Mike Frederiqo is one of those people, he is a graphic designer and has found in the logomania its inspiration source.
Under the name ?Logos by Mike Frederiqo? this artist has joined together designers and their own brands in not just an unconventional but also literal way. In these drawings Ralph Lauren is transformed into a polo player, Coco Chanel puts her flexibility to the test and surprises us with an unusual double C, and Marc Jacobs does the same with the whole name of his brand.
If you thought you have seen everything involving logos, you were mistaken, there is life beyond the Speedy bags full of LV monogram.

Previously on Style on the street
The stylish bunny Fifi Lapin shakes the fashion world!
Izziyana Suhaimi and her colorful embroidered illustrations

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