MOOD: London Calling - The Clash

I love taking pictures of people and capture their essence and nature. Photography is the art of observation, it is an exercise between light, composition and emotion, it"s a way of listening with your eyes and see what the person in front of your camera wants to say. Today I am publishing again A Boy in Africa and I invited Brett Rogers. I met him in an event at the beginning of this year and I really liked his style, I think is cool and very authentic. Brett is the creator of Half Wolf and he has a radio show called The Unveiling on Luckie Entertainment. He was also awarded last year as one of the best dressed men of South Africa by GQ Magazine.

How do u define your style?

 I"d define my style as a little challenging, a little challenged, questioning and unrestrained so long as its predominantly black or white.

Where do u normally shop for clothes?

I shop everywhere, if I had to choose a retailer in particular I"d choose Zara. Otherwise I shop at Cotton On, TopMan, China Mall, Pick n Pay, the side of the road, Mr Price ... anywhere that I spot an Item that I think will work for me.

Which color do u like to wear the most?


Any South African designer or clothing label that u like and why?

Yes, my favourites (Of Many) are: Kim Gush, Eleclass (def do some research on these guys) HalfWolf (obviously)

Kim has her fingertips so firmly on the pulse of the avante garde man that its wonderful to see, she is tapped into the same inspiration as Gareth Pugh and Rick Owens. She sticks to black/white and her fabric is always well thought out and intelligent. She needs to be known overseas as SA cant handle her awesome.

Eleclass has a similar avant garde nature, but with more colour, more structure and a touch more fun. These two boys are so talented, every time I see them floating around town I cant believe what they can pull off.

Halfwolf = best t shirts in SA ? easy

What´s your key piece in your wardrobe?

I have no key item, there will be a key item per outfit. I dont have an all round basic. Though my Just Junkie Jeans are pretty close to being my most worn item.

 What do u think about Brett"s style?

Thanks for reading 

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