Now that the trend is donating some bucks to a good cause while having some fun -despite of the water waste-, it would be awesome that we support different kind of cause as part of our lives, not just for following a trend. What about donating for a happier world? What about donating for our kids to have a big smile on their faces? There is this project called “Rock Your Kicks” which consists in donating from $1USD in order to bring worldwide a painting kit for sneakers so everybody can have a personalised pair of shoes while having a lot of fun.

Don’t we always look at these YouTube tutorials where experts try to teach us how to create a pair of amazing pair of designed shoes but also always think about how complicated results for us -the ones that suck at drawing like me of course-? Well, with the “Rock Your Kicks” kit this is something kids from 10 yo can even do because it includes these amazing stencils that let us create any desing we have on our minds -I already have mine and can’t wait for having my own kit!-.

There is nothing more beautiful than motivating creativity in ourselves, in our kids, in our world. Go here if you agree with me and let’s help support this cause! But hurry! We only have 4 days left to achieve the goal! I will be sharing a tutorial on how to used the “Rock Your Kicks” kit as soon as I get it and I want you to have yours by then too! Love, Candy.

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