2015 tendencias de bañadores: mi bañador y yo! (Part 2)

Swimwear Trends 2015

Swimwear Trends 2015 offer us many alternatives to have fun with fashion this summer 2015. In our previous post we were watching their main characteristics. Now it is time to choose the most appropriate swimsuit or bikini to our silhouette. In AF Moda again we want to help you get the best of you, so this post will give you some tips to choose the swimwear that best suits your figure and personality, using swimwear trends 2015. So, let´s do this!

We must remember one more time that there is an international image consulting called "Colour me Beautiful" which defined a set of guidelines in morphology to classify the different physical types of women in the world. According to these experts, we can talk about five types of body shapes, depending on the proportion between the width of the shoulders and width of the hips. These body shapes are:

- HOURGLASS SHAPE: Shoulder width in proportion to the width of the hips, defined waist. It is the ideal silhouette proportionally compensated.

- TRIANGULAR SHAPE: very narrow shoulders and wide hips

- INVERTED TRIANGLE SHAPE: very wide shoulders and narrow hips

- RECTANCULAR SHAPE: Shoulders in line with hips but without defined waist

- OVAL SHAPE: shoulders, waist and hip rounded, which results in a very tortuous body.

Siluetas Femeninas

Now let´s see the type of swimsuit or bikini can best promote each body shape. We will apply the trends that come this summer 2014:


We can say that this is a body shape privileged by nature, to which any article that uses both the top and bottom of their body, it will favor. They can also use all kinds of fabrics, colors, prints and shapes.

Swimwear Hourglass Shape


In this case, we need to harmonize the body enhancing or volumizing the shoulders and smoothing hips. We´ll do it using in the top flashy bikinis, bandeau shaped or preferably foulard. For the bottom, we will choose panties in dark matte tones, preferably with a high-cut leg; also we will prefer simple cut panties without any adornment that can broaden our hips. When deciding on a whole suit, try it to wrap and smooth the body as much as possible, and would be better that it had the prints, colors or decorations on top, being smooth to the legs.

Swimwear Triangle Body Shape


Here we seek to soften the shoulders and give volume to hips in order to harmonize the body. To do this, on top we will use balconet or bandeau type tops, with fine or normal strapless bikinis, which sit at the half of the shoulder. At the bottom, we will preferably opt for low rise briefs, short or envelope type, classic, with ornaments and gathers to the sides to create a visual sense of wider hips. If we want to use whole swimsuit, try that it has V cut, with vivid colors and prints or ornaments to the legs.

Swimwear Inverted Triangle Body Shape


With this body shape, the objective is to smooth the rightness of their lines and define the waist, to make it get as close as possible to the perfect hourglass silhouette. We will achieve this by using at the top bandeau or foulard type bikinis fitted with padding. We also will prefer the lower-cut leg panties and low cuts, which will help us gain visual spaciousness hip. In case of full swimsuit choice, will choose those that enhance the waist with cuts and ornaments, and keep in mind that the trikini is also a very interesting option for this type of body.

Swimwear Rectangular Body Shape


This body shape is very curvy, so it is necessary to structure it and give it slenderness. To do this, we use at the top bikinis with balconet or foulard shape, also having option of using a Tankini, and at the bottom with classic panties, enveloping shapes and dark colors. For those who prefer full suit, it is essential that it wrap silhouette and tune the body. In both cases (bikini or swimsuit) is essential that it holds well but without over tight the body, as this will create rolls in places where we do not want them.

Swimwear Oval Body Shape

Besides the different morphological feminine body shapes, we must consider that the human body can have a number of flaws or imperfections that we can hide choosing the right clothes, and this in the case of swimwear is especially important. Here we leave some tips for the most obvious:

-FEW BREAST: we can hide it selecting swimsuits and bikinis that have ruffles, embellishments, prints and bright colors on the breast. The triangular, heart, and balconet shapes, preferably with a discreet padding will be our allies.

-MUCH BREAST: we will choose swimsuits and bikinis with straps and rings, which are structured in dark tones, avoiding prints, bright colors, frills, ruffles or draping.

-BELLY OR TUMMY: we can conceal it with swimsuits with V-neck, or high waist panties, wide waistband or avoiding colors, glitter and stamped on the belly area.

-LONG UPPER BODY AND SHORT LEGS: the goal is to give horizontality to the top of the body with tankinis or longer bikinis top, and vertical sensation at the bottom of the body with high waist panties and high cut leg.

-SHORT UPPER BODY AND LONG LEGS: the goal is to win verticality at the top, with pronounced and high necklines, in V lines or with trikinis, opting at the bottom for wearing low waist type panties and plain colors.

As we always say, our body shape or imperfections are not a limiting factor when wearing a swimsuit or bikini. The important thing is to choose the one that highlights the strengths of our body. It´s very important that it has the right size, so that everything is in place and properly covered. Recall that all ties, belts, pleats, drapes, embroidery, knots, etc. are elements that attract attention, so we have to use them wisely and in areas that we want to highlight. In general, matte textures and dark colors stylize the body, and glare and light colors give volume. We must also consider the size, color and places where the print appears, in order that they are favorable and not harmful to our body. And finally remember that the higher cut leg of a bathing suit, the more stylish it makes you look.

We all can have an amazing summer. Its a matter of knowing how to enjoy the moment and feel beautiful every time. From AF Moda we invite you to show your body and have fun this summer with the swimwear trends 2015!

Have a Nice Week and See you NextTime!

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