
Last friday, I had the luck of going to the event organised by Buscolook. Many bloggers from Bilbao met at Leonce Shop and we spent some time together. Even I met the ones I met in my last event (YoDona Shopping Night) I had the chance to met Mireia Esturo. Yes! We have the same name, and it was amazing that we could share our experiences with blogs. Actually, I had a very good time, and, I hope to repeat the experience!!

El pasado viernes, tuve la suerte de acudir al evento organizado por Buscolook. Muchas bloggeras de Bilbao nos reunimos en la tienda Leonce y pasamos un rato juntas. Además de coincidir con las bloggeras que conocí en el evento Yo Dona, tuve la suerte de conocer a la bloggera Mireia Esturo. Si! Se llama como yo, y fue genial poder compartir nuestras experiencias con los blogs. La verdad es que me lo pasé genial, y ¡¡esperemos repetir experiencia!!


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I finished my exams two weeks ago, and I wanted to spend a day doing anything. So, I took the camera and i spent the whole afternoon visiting my city, Bilbao. For that, I wore a pair of jeans with a d ...

When I run my blog one year ago, was when I started to get informed about everything related to fashion, to be updated. I have always been interested in fashion, but it was more between me and my frie ...

Last friday, I had the luck of going to the event organised by Buscolook. Many bloggers from Bilbao met at Leonce Shop and we spent some time together. Even I met the ones I met in my last event (YoDo ...

Today I run a new section on my blog. Once a month, I’ll post about rare places or that nobody knows about them, but they are wonderful to visit. I take the advantage that I study tourism to cre ...




Como muchos sabéis antes de ayer estuve en Madrid en un viaje exprés de ida y vuelta con motivo de la acción Tampax Pearl junto a Amaia Salamanca, que me consta que muchos de vosotros seguisteis vía Twitter mediante el hastag #tampaxpearl; ¡Pronto publicaré las fotos oficiales! Antes del evento en el Delfinarium del Zoo de Madrid pasé una mañana con mi albaceteña Laura, ¡Que ganas de volverte a ve ...


¡Buenos días! ¿Qué tal el finde? Yo acudí con otras bloggers asturianas al evento organizado por Beauty Asturias, espero poder contároslo todo en el próximo post. Hoy os voy a enseñar el look que me puse el Sábado para salir de noche. Una combinación de negro y dorado con top peplum para marcar cintura. Espero que os guste. Qué tengáis una buen semana. Mil besos. Good morning! How was your weeken ...

moda me outfits

Hoy quería hablaros de un evento que tuvo lugar este fin de semana en el hipódromo de Palma. Un evento dedicado a las mascotas. Varias organizaciones se reunieron para recaudar fondos para ayudar a los animales y ofrecernos diversas actividades y espectáculos a nosotros y a nuestros animales, que por supuesto, estaban invitados! Me encantan este tipo de celebraciones ya que a través de estas organ ...

blog de moda Blogger Clarins ...

This week, I was invited to celebrate the Clarins Most Dynamic Woman Award. An award that recognises the commitment of exceptional women who devote themselves to change and improve the life of so many children who live in disadvantaged conditions. This was definitely a beautiful evening with beautiful and interesting people. South African bloggers Duo Desk, always looking amazing Pippa Lo ...

Fashion Met Gala 2021 Anna Wintour ...

Feliz de regresar a escribir después de un par de meses de locura y lleno de cambios. Y en definitiva mi regreso tenía que ser con uno de los eventos más esperados en el mundo de la moda: el MET GALA 2021 que se llevó a cabo anoche luego de haberse pospuesto por la pandemia.  Happy to be back writing after a couple of months of madness and full of changes. And definitely, my return had to be with ...


As you can see on the photographs I can"t stop wearing the booties I show in a previous post! Via SpartooLos que seguís mi blog desde hace tiempo sabéis que no suelo publicar fotografías mías y que únicamente lo hago en determinados momentos, como cuando voy a algún evento o me proponen cosas del tipo de la que me propuso Aristocrazy hace no mucho tiempo. Bajo el lema “Fashion Picnic” la marc ...

Fashion fashion blogger Fashion editorial ...

Today was a fantastic day, I was the whole morning shooting the Mothers Day edition for People Magazine South Africa. The special thing about this shoot was that I did it with my son Luka. We all had so much fun and he definitely was the star of the day. Here some pictures of backstage The production team of People Magazine were absolutely lovely. It was so cool to work with them. While ...

accesorios accessories bag ...

There are three words that bring to succeed or not and define what and why they work as they do. If we know how to recognize and catch the opportunities the life gives to us, it is easy to finding it out by applying the meanings of these three concepts: almost (that means: at the end… Not); by a hair (but actually gotten an done), and trampoline (done with great propulsion from outsources). ...

Black Dorado Gold ...

Buenos días. ¿Cómo habéis pasado el fin de semana? Espero que genial. A mi me tocó trabajar y el domingo libre que aproveché para ir a cenar con unos amigos y ponernos al día que hacía un tiempo que no coincidíamos en horario. Hoy me gustaría enseñaros el look que llevé para quedar ayer con mis amigos, es sencillo, a la vez que con un toque de color y brillo con esta camiseta. Que si os digo la v ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! How are you? I super happy because Im on vacation ... finally! Today I share with you some photos last Saturday at the Fair of Fashion and Beauty Badajoz. I had the pleasure of going as one of the bloggers invited to the event and the truth it is that it was pretty good and I liked the organization. Also present it was Pelayo (I died to see how handsome;)) and gave a Masterclass. I ...