Hoy quería hablaros de un evento que tuvo lugar este fin de semana en el hipódromo de Palma. Un evento dedicado a las mascotas. Varias organizaciones se reunieron para recaudar fondos para ayudar a los animales y ofrecernos diversas actividades y espectáculos a nosotros y a nuestros animales, que por supuesto, estaban invitados! Me encantan este tipo de celebraciones ya que a través de estas organizaciones se fomenta la adopción, el cuidado y la responsabilidad de tener una mascota, ya sea perro, gato, pájaro... Al final, os muestro el look que llevé para esta ocasión, por supuesto, con toques tropicales! ¿Qué opináis sobre estos eventos?
Today I want to talk about an event of animals. Some organizations came together to raise funds to help animals and offer various activities and shows us and our animals, which of course, were invited! I love this kind of celebration because these organizations through the adoption, care and responsibility of pet ownership is encouraged, whether dog, cat, bird... At the end, I will show you the look I wore for the occasion, of course, with tropical touches! What is your opinion about these events?
Shorts: Zara
Top: Pull&Bear
Sandalias/ Sandals: Stradivarius
Cinturón/ Belt: Aurora Vega Showroom
Gafas/ Sunnies: Ray-ban
Fuente: este post proviene de Bubbles & Windmill, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
Hola de nuevo! Llevamos un año movidito y con muchos cambios a todos los niveles, tanto que también se refleja en nuestra forma de vestir. Ya no compramos tantos tacones ni ropa para salir, en cambio, ...
Buenos días! Sin casi darme cuenta, ya estamos a mitad de agosto. ¡Qué rápido pasa el tiempo sobretodo cuando tengo vacaciones! Y como siempre suele pasar, a pesar de que sigue haciendo calor, ya empi ...
Buenos días!! Como ya es habitual, vuelvo con más productos de FemmeLuxe Finnery, la cual se está convirtiendo en mis básicos de diario. También, tiene vestidos preciosos para esas noches de verano má ...
Buenos días! De nuevo vengo con más productos que me han llegado de Femme Luxe Finnery. Esta vez he hecho una selección de básicos, perfectos para combinar con jeans, faldas, shorts... y todo en blanc ...
I just arrived at Santiago,Chile so now i’m in summer late spring. Weather is terribly hot, nothing like back home but what can I say, I am happy to not be in the cold! Of course being on holidays does not mean I will not be working or updating my blog, on the contrary I will be focusing my holidays on showing you around where I am at, what I am wearing and what my location has to offer fash ...
An all black summer outfit perfect for holidays as it is so comfortable and easy to wear. As you can see I am loving my Adidas slides so so much, they are the best footwear for those hot days when you will be walking a lot, plus combining them can’t be easier, so I am sure to be wearing these a lot next spring and summer. I can’t believe I am already thinking of spring, winter has bare ...
Una de las últimas entradas del año se la quería dedicar a mis productos favoritos como veréis de maquillaje, a ver si el año que viene empiezo a interesarme más por los productos para el pelo y el cuidado de la piel que hasta ahora los he tenido un poco abandonados. No es coincidencia que la mayoría sean paletas, es que tengo un pequeño problema porque me encantan. Allá vamos con mis favoritos de ...
I’ve been wanting “bad” weather since forever, it kind of reminds me of what my sister living in Souther California always says…I need some rain! Well I kind of need it too and so far besides last week we’ve been having awesome weather. I went out last night with a skirt and no tights, and even though I love it I crave some rain. Last week when we had rain the tempera ...
Hello bloggers! The 2014 comes and goes 2015 ... the truth is that it gives me a little sad when it"s over a year now but then I hope to begin a new year, full of purpose and goals to meet. This 2014 the truth that was good in studies and passed everything what led to this course also approved of all ... the blog grew little by little, and several brands wanted to collaborate with me also the ...
¡Buenos días! ¡Último día del año! ¿Nerviosos/as? Yo la verdad es que no mucho, otros años con la excusa de salir y demás tenía más emoción. Este año solo me llamaba el hecho de la ropa y se está truncando un poco, pero bueno, seguro que sale un buen día y una buena noche. ¿Qué planes y qué modelitos tenéis preparados para celebrar la última noche del año? Tengo muchas ganas de ver en estos días p ...
Today I am wearing a classic fall outfit with all its iconic elements. First the Fair Isle sweater screams late fall, early winter, duffle coat as well, and of course the socks-ankle boots combination. I am so fond of this latter one. As you can see I am still doing bare legs, that is so typical me it comes from when I was a kid, most of my classmates went to school with tights and some few did so ...
Im’ wearing my Rosarte sweatshirt by Rodarte for the first time in an outfit post. I got this one together with my Rohearte sweatshirt and my J’aime Rodarte t-shirt all of course by the same brand. A few months ago I mentioned how amazing the quality is and how much I love them so I am not going to repeat that all over again, all I will add today is if you want a good sweatshirt (my ad ...
Today I show you a very special and different post from the subject of my blog. One more year with the spring season weddings, baptisms and communions are coming. I"m sure that you ask yourself the big question: what should I wear ? As usual , you do not want to spend millions for a "moment " but you"re not going to go wrong with any clothes ... Years ago it would be almost im ...
Hello bloggers! Sorry for not updating sunday but I was in a friend"s birthday and I could not but since I do not forget at all of you here today you have me. The look that I show you today is that I took yesterday for the birthday of a friend of mine as I already said before. I wanted to go but spend arranged so chose this black skirt that I think has a lot of play when combining it since yo ...