FASHION FOR MATURE WOMEN: Fashion Trends F/W 2014-2015

Fashion for Mature Women

Fashion for Mature women is a topic that fascinates us, especially when we can apply the Fashion Trends F/W 2014-2015 to their needs. It is the best way to close our trilogy of fashion trends for this season, and in AF Moda we are delighted to create this post specifically designed for them!.

Fashion for Mature women has to be something as special and beautiful as them: without making them older, it should reflect their wisdom, their personality and maturity helping to dress all these qualities. In fashion trends F/W 2014-2015, we can find a number of elements, which used wisely by mature women, will allow them to remain elegant and stylish, but with that trendy touch that will make a difference and will make them even more special.

As we have said on other occasions, the mature woman has reached a new welfare state today. We left behind those aged women with a grandmotherly image, and increasingly we see gorgeous mature women with great strength and energy for life, and this is reflected in the way they dress.

Fashion for Mature Women

Let´s begin by recalling some things we should always take care of when we talk about Fashion for Mature Women:

- Our necklines should be more discreet 

- Our pants must be at the waist, not the hip

- The sleeves should have an appropriate length (depending on the state of our arms sagging)

- Most of all we should wear clothing that outline the silhouette without belting, in order to avoid the imperfections of age remain in evidence. It is important that we avoid tight clothes, show abdomen or tummy and excessively short skirts. 

- Always a bit of a heel will help stylize the figure, keep that in mind. 

- Maturity is associated with elegance, and this elegance can be chic, modern and stylish, only if we maintain discretion and good taste. 

- We can include colors in our looks always with moderation and in accessories, even in some clothing, as long as it is not in a total look overly flashy. 

- Theprints must be discreet too. In addition, at any age, monochromatism (dress in different or same range of the same color) always favors, helping to shape the body and promote that elegance we mentioned before. 

- We must take the best fabrics and quality we can afford, because at these ages this is a critical image factor, indicating sobriety and class, without thereby loosing modernity 

- Take care that the cut and pattern are clean and well made such that the body garment fits correctly. 

- Avoid excessive or unnecessary frills, gathers, pleats and any details unnecessarily flashy.

If we want to dress with the fashion trends F/W 2014-2015, the best we can do as mature women, is to take from them only what favors us and what we feel identified with. This season, come some very elegant and sober styles that can take advantage of, as the minimal style, the military style or even the masculine style. For more informal and casual moments, we can make a moderate use of aspen style, folk style or sporty style, always with bottom garments  of straight cut and if skirts or dresses with long to knee level, taking care to combine youthful colors with more sober tones to get some balance. We can also play with this type of Monochromatism looks.

As we can see, Fashion Trends F/W 2014-2015and Fashion for Mature Women can go hand in hand, as long as we know use them wisely without obsessing on it, caring above all to maintain the elegance and good taste.

We close our post with some looks proposals thought specifically for mature women, with the fashion trends of this Fall/Winter 2014-2015. In AF Moda we declare ourselves fans of the wisdom and elegance of Mature Women. That"s why we love to create outfits for you. Enjoy them!

Fashion for Mature Women

Fashion for Mature Women

Fashion for Mature Women

Fashion for Mature Women

Fashion for Mature Women

Have a Nice Week and See you Next Time!

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