.this or that.

White and pink

Sheinside - Valentino - Kiki de Montparnasse - Chanel - Mango

Sheinside - Josey Heel - Elena Ghisellini - Saint Lauren - Zoe Karssen

Como partiendo de una misma base, se pueden hacer looks muy distintos

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alfombra roja

¡Por fin el evento de la moda más importante del mundo ha regresado! Después del parón obligatorio que sufrió el año pasado por la pandemia, la gala del MET, presentada por la todopoderosa Anna Wintour, ha regresado por todo lo alto, dejándonos decenas de impresionantes estilismos en la alfombra roja. La exhibición de este año se titula: En Estados Unidos: un léxico de la moda. Una oda a la histor ...

mucho más alfombra roja las mejor vestidas ...

¡Nuevo ranking de mejor y peor vestidas! Me encantan estas listas, así que, tan sólo dos semanas después de mis mejor y peor vestidas de los Goya, le toca el turno a la gran cita cinematógrafica mundial: los Oscar. ¿Empezamos? - La mejor vestidas (en mi humilde opinión, jeje): Dakota Johnson, guapísima de Yves Saint laurent Gwyneth Paltrow, cin un vestido rosa palo con una sola manga de Ralp&Russ ...

moda 2017 women fashion trends estilos sin tilde ...

It can be said that within women fashion, pink and red duo is one of the most unexpected combinations, but influential designers and models have been tested the last hit of the moment and have passed with high marks. It is often said not to look at all the trends but must dress according to the color that feels good to everyone. One trick this season defies fashion trends women and, although the b ...

fall Outfits Balenciaga ...

Winter is the air, it’s getting so much colder and its time for those thick knits, and when it comes to those I have a favorite that beats them all. This Balenciaga turtleneck is my number one knitwear, winter-time sweater. The quality is way beyond any sweater I have ever owned or even touched and the style is as timeless as it gets. Combined with anything it will work, but for today I chos ...

fall Outfits celine ...

Fall is beautiful, no matter where, I just love it. This past weekend we decided to spend it at the countryside for a relaxing couple of days. The weather there is a little bit colder than in Madrid but not that much. Whenever I go there though…I always want to pack whatever I feel like wearing, which sometimes might include some fancy clothes (like a dress or something Chanel). My boyfriend ...