2017 tendencias de moda mujer: rojo y rosa se imponen

It can be said that within women fashion, pink and red duo is one of the most unexpected combinations, but influential designers and models have been tested the last hit of the moment and have passed with high marks.
miranda kerr with 2017 women fashion trends

It is often said not to look at all the trends but must dress according to the color that feels good to everyone. One trick this season defies fashion trends women and, although the burgundy is the color of the moment, the micro trend of combining red and pink is giving much play in the most current social networks.

The combination will give that talk more in fashion trends woman

These two colors are always those who have maintained a love-hate relationship in fashion. And it is that as well Coco Chanel said, “the best color in the world is the one that suits you,” although I must say that she never combined pink and red … But there are other brands that have done so for example Valentino in his last parade he has combined with a spectacular romantic flattering effect.

Another firm that has been seduced by the pink and red duo is Gucci, whose creative director and also one of the most influential designers of the last two seasons, Alessandro Michele, has opted for this rather than unexpected duo colors in parades 2016 autumn-Winter and Spring-Summer 2017.
2017 women fashion trends: Red and pink are imposed

There are many references in social networks and online stores on this new trend in fashion woman even celebrities have fallen for the mixture of red and pink colors, as in the case of the model Miranda Kerr, the influencer Patricia Manfield, Giovanna Battaglia stylist … And it is that all women working in the fashion world, or many of them are already combining colors once seemed impossible and now the big winner this season.


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