That White Bikini

Good Morning! Tuesday and Wednesday were bank holiday in Guadeloupe so we have enjoy them to keep exploring the island. Even if it seams imposible there are still beaches that we havent seen. This time we went to "Rocroy Beach" a beach of black sand at Basse terre. It is a small beach but very cute and the best part is that there is no tourist, so we could have it just for us until late in the afternoon, something imposible in many beaches :)

Having a white bikini is a must for the summer, what I love about it is that you can mix it with plenty of colors and it depends of the accesorices you can created so many different looks. I hope you like today proposition and that it gives you ideas for your summer looks.

Thank you for being at the other side of the screen!

Buenos días! El Martes y el Miercoles han sido fiesta en Guadalupe por lo que hemos aprovechado para continuar visitando nuestra isla. Aunque parezca mentira aún nos quedan playas por conocer, esta vez estuvimos en la playa de Rocroy, una playa de arena negra en la zona de Basse Terre.

Es una playa pequeñita pero con mucho encanto y sobretodo poco frecuentada por los turistas por lo que pudimos disfrutar de la playa solo para nosotros hasta bien entrada la tarde, cosa imposible en muchas otras playas :)

Tener un buen bikini blanco es fondo de armario, ya que aquí nos pasamos la vida en bañador y con este tipo de bikinis según los accesorios puedes crear looks infinitos, espero que os guste la proposición de hoy y que os de ideas para vuestros looks playeros.

Gracias por estar al otro lado de la pantalla!

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Etiquetas: Basse TerreLooks



guadalupe Travel

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guadalupe guadeloupe Looks

Good Morning! If there is something that is always on my beach bag is a pareo, for me is the perfect accessory for those afternoons by the sea.Im not used to arrived in pareo at the beach but I like to have it to put it on when the sunset comes, to go for a walk or to go eat on a beach restaurant. I think is very stylish and you can tie it up in so many ways t create endless looks! Today I show yo ...

guadeloupe Looks

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guadalupe guadeloupe Looks ...

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Swimwear Swimwear Fashion 2015 Swimwear trends 2015 ...

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Outfits summer chanel ...

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