Trini | Levis jeans Adidas Superstar sneakers
Trini | Levis jeans Adidas Superstar sneakers
Trini | Levis jeans Adidas Superstar sneakers
Trini | Levis jeans Adidas Superstar sneakers

My outfit today is in part inspired by my boyfriend and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy. I will start by saying how much I love my boyfriends style and how much he inspires me. See, he always wears caps, mostly backwards and even though they look amazing on him I never though I would wear mine like that. I am also a big fan of caps, much before I met him, but I only own a pair and I wear them every now and then the regular way. The other day on Pinterest looking at old pictures of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy I saw a picture of her wearing her cap backwards, and I was instantly attracted to the look. It can actually look pretty good on women so what the hell, I decided to try it for and kind of love it now.

The rest of the outfit, well its just what I wear everyday: trousers and sneakers.


Mi conjunto de hoy esta inspirado en dos personas: mi novio y Carolyn Bessette Kennedy. Os explico. Me encanta el estilo de mi novio, considero que viste muy bien y de lo que mas me gusta es que siempre lleva gorras, hacia atrás. Yo también adoro las gorras, desde siempre y las uso desde mucho antes de conocerle, aunque de la forma tradicional. Pues bien el otro día en Pinterest mirando fotos antiguas de Carolyn Bessette Kennedy di con una en la que llevaba una gorra de la misma forma que mi novio, hacia atrás. Nunca, hasta ese minuto había considerado la posibilidad de llevarlas de esa forma, pero por cambiar decidí probar la mía hacía atrás y la verdad me encanta.

El resto del conjunto es lo que siempre suelo llevar: pantalones y zapatillas.


Ray-Ban white wayfarer sunglasses (get them HERE) | Barbour jacket (similar HERE) | Fruit of The Loom sweatshirt (get HERE) | Levi’s jeans (similar HERE) | Adidas Superstar sneakers (get them HERE) | Anya Hindmarch bag (similar HERE) | New York Yankees cap


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1. Allude cashmere loungeset (get it HERE) 2. The Frankie Shop vest (get it HERE) 3. The Frankie Shop pants (get it HERE) 4. Raey sweatshirt dress (get it HERE) 5. Marni sandals (get them HERE) 6. Joh ...

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