
Hello bloggers!

Happy New Year that I have not yet congratulated you here. I hope this new year comes loaded with happiness for all of you.

Today I show you a simple look with sneakers and it is that I have realized that I have not taught you casual looks like this one made up of jeans, a thick coat, sweater and sneakers and, although they are the least taught lately, Are the most used in my day to day. Most of the garments were already seen in different outfits except the Twinkle Deals bag. In this web I asked for two bags and one of them is this one. It is true that I was a little hesitant about quality since I asked for other products from here but they were not handbags (although I liked them a lot) so I was in doubt about them but when I got home I was quite happy because they are As seen on the website, without any lack, change of color, poor quality ... for nothing; In addition, the shipping actually took very little. Here I leave the link in case you are excited to buy it (Im looking forward to showing you the other one that has me in love). I hope you like it.

A huge kiss,


¡Hola bloggers!

Feliz año nuevo que aún no os felicité por aquí. Espero que este nuevo año venga cargado de felicidad para todos vosotros.

Hoy os muestro un look sencillo con sneakers y es que me he dado cuenta que hacía tiempo que no os enseñaba looks tan casuales como este compuesto por jeans, un abrigo gordito, jersey y sneakers y, aunque sean de los que menos os enseñe últimamente, son de los que más utilizo en mi día a día. La mayoría de las prendas ya las habíais visto en diferentes outfits excepto el bolso de Twinkle Deals. En esta web me pedí dos bolsos y uno de ellos es este. Es cierto que estaba un poco indecisa sobre la calidad ya que en otra ocasión pedí productos de aquí pero no fueron bolsos (aunque me gustaron bastante) por lo que respecto a éstos estaba en duda pero en cuanto me llegaron a casa me alegré bastante porque son tal y como se ven en la página web, sin ningún tipo de falta, cambio de color, mala calidad...para nada; además, el envío tardó realmente poco. Aquí os dejo el link por si os animáis a comprarlo(estoy deseando enseñaros el otro que me tiene enamorada). Espero que os guste.

Un beso enorme,


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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:

¡Hola bloggers! Ya sé que llevo algún tiempo sin publicar en el blog pero lo cierto es que la universidad me está quitando todas las horas del día. Hoy os enseño este look que fotografiamos hace varia ...

¡Hola bloggers! El otro día recibí un paquete con ropa de la web Desires. El primer look que decidí fotografiar ha sido éste, con pantalón y camiseta deportiva a juego. No son los looks que suelo util ...

Hello bloggers! I continue to share photos of our trip to Córdoba with you. As you can see in this post there are two different locations, one is a famous street known as "Calleja de las flores&q ...

¡Hola bloggers! Hoy os comparto las últimas fotos de nuestro viaje y viéndolas ya me entran ganas de volver de nuevo porque realmente Córdoba me robó el corazón. El último día visitamos la Mezquita y ...



zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Today I write to you nervous because this Thursday I have history examination and I am hysterical and bad since I have caught a good cold that although it has mainly affected my throat I have a general discomfort. And yes, both in my body and in todays post it is noticed that the winter is coming and with it the cold. For all this I decided to combine this striped sweater that I qu ...

Outfits nike wood wood

Please excuse me for the awful quality of these pictures. My old photographer (ex-boyfriend) and I are no longer together. Not that I need to tell you about my personal life, but I do feel I need to explain why I am not updating my website as frequently. To be honest this happened a long time ago, but thanks to all my traveling this past year and my family and friends I was able to manage for quit ...


Today we look backwards to this amazing year that arrives to the end... A year full of emotions and memories that will stay forever on my heart. It has been a compicated and hard year, we have closed chapters and opened new ones, laughts and cries, we have fulfill dreams and some there are still to come. I have come across amazing people along the way and I gratefull for that. This year my persona ...

Hello bloggers! Some time ago I did not make a list with the products that I liked most of a website so as it is already time here you have it. Today I speak of two websites in particular, one of them is Stylewe, which I have already mentioned many more times here because you know that I like a lot and the second web is one that I just discovered and is called Just Fashion Now. It is similar to St ...

fall Madrid Outfits ...

Finally I have new outfit pictures! They are made with Iphone camera, but at lest they are in much better quality than the pictures from my previous outfit post. This outfit is not what you would regularly expect for November in Madrid but the weather has been so amazing it has been feeling like spring and not so much as fall going on winter. I wore one of my new dresses that I have been wearing l ...


StyleWe offers consumers the chance to shop fashionable clothing designs made by independent fashion designers and small boutiques in one convenient online store. StyleWe offers every category of women’s apparel that you would expect from a large online store, including dresses, tops, outerwear, skirts, pants, jumpsuits, and swimwear. They also have a handbag section. However, there are no accesso ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! Were in Ecuador of the week and you can imagine not that I have the desire arrives next Tuesday and to finally have the Christmas holidays but while I wait I study for two exams. The look of today personally love (all I like, so I take them but this further) and it does not seem a look too neat but perfect for those days when you were just going for coffee with friends and just to ...

Hello bloggers! Once again I come to tell you about the Stylewe website and it is that taking advantage of these holidays and that here in Spain there are still days to make and receive gifts I have decided to make a list with possible gifts to make. What I like most about this web is that it gives you the possibility to choose between multiple garments and multiple prices and thus you can adapt a ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! How did the Kings behave this year? With me the truth that too well and I do not know if I behaved so well to have so many gifts hahaha. As you know I continue studying and studying but I try to make a way to update the blog. This look is two weeks ago if I remember correctly and it is very simple because as you see I opted for sneakers and white jeans but I gave a more formal touc ...

Outfits spring Balenciaga ...

Here I am as happy as can be in Paris the one place I really feel I belong. Everytime I come here it’s like home, and after all the wonderful things that happened in this trip its risen above to the very top of places, things, I adore and that are dear to my heart. So the weather is not that bad as the previous days and I am finally wearing my new sneakers by Céline. I went for an in between ...