Feliz Navidad y Muchas Gracias por estar ahí. Merry Xmas and Thank you for being here.

Ya estamos cerca de la entrada del año 2.015 y ya son 7 años a vuestro lado.

Quisiera daros las GRACIAS de todo corazón por estar ahí. Por visitarme, leerme o seguirme también en las RRSS, y de verdad, por hacer que cada día me sienta mejor como persona

En los años venideros, espero devolveros todo ese cariño, con sorpresas, entrevistas a celebrities y otras blogueras, novedades, eventos y mucho más...

Os deseo a todos@s unas FELICES NAVIDADES y una muy buena entrada de año.

Os dejo un post algo íntimo ya que os muestro mi hogar con motivos de Navidad.

Estaré unos días por Sevilla y Córdoba y prometo post muy chulos a la vuelta. Es la primera vez que voy y estoy entusiasmada.

De todas formas iré publicando cositas.

Besos y sed felices

We"re near the entrance to the year 2015 and there are now seven years at your side.

I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for being there. By visiting me, read me or even follow in RRSS, and truth, for making me feel better every day a better person.

In years to come, I hope give you back all the love, surprises, interviews with celebrities and other bloggers, news, events and much more ...

I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS  and a very good entry this year.

I leave a post intimate something since I show my home with Christmas motifs.

I"ll be a few days in Seville and Cordoba and promise to post very cool around. It is the first time I go and I"m excited.

Anyway I"ll be posting stuff.

Kisses and be happy

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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:

¡Cómo me gusta el nuevo Lookbook de Zara! Con clara inspiración setentera nos llega lo más nuevo de la firma estrella de Inditex, para abrirnos boca de cara al frío. Ya estoy deseando que lleguen esos ...

Lo del pantalón pitillo era la crónica de una muerte anunciada, estaba claro. Nuevas tendencias se han ido incorporando a nuestras vidas y cada vez más, los pantalones pitillo, que tanto furor causaro ...



moda inspiraciones me ...

Buenos días!!! Hoy es nochebuena y seguro que ya tenéis modelito pensado, muchos os quedáis en casa, otro salís a tomar algo, el caso es disfrutar mucho de las fiestas y estar acompañados de vuestros seres queridos (familia, amigos, mascotas... ) Aquí os enseño otro look que os puede servir hagáis lo que hagáis, si estáis cansados de vestidos de lentejuelas, de brillos, de plumas y demás, un mono ...

street style agradecimiento calavera ...

Este es el primer post que publico desde que ha empezado este año, he estado un poco desconectado de este entorno y redes sociales, así que ahora toca ponerse las pilas tengo varias publicaciones en el tintero, y muchos post por leer. Para arrancar este año nada mejor que mostraros mi agradecimiento a todos vosotros y vosotras que sois el verdadero motor de todas y cada una de las publicaciones qu ...

Hello bloggers! Today I bring you some pictures completely summer because for me there is no better place than the beach. I like to go in the summer, lie down and listen to the waves, but I also think its a beautiful place in winter, to walk along the shore wearing a chubby sweatshirt. The swimsuit that you see me today is from Zaful and it can be yours already by clicking here. I chose it because ...

Fashion fashion blogger Fashion editorial ...

Today was a fantastic day, I was the whole morning shooting the Mothers Day edition for People Magazine South Africa. The special thing about this shoot was that I did it with my son Luka. We all had so much fun and he definitely was the star of the day. Here some pictures of backstage The production team of People Magazine were absolutely lovely. It was so cool to work with them. While ...


Today I wanted to do a post somewhat different and write about a topic I don’t think has been explored enough. With the sales going on everywhere (at least in Europe) this is the perfect time to shop for almost anything and make the most of your money. Now that sounds easy, but really it has a hidden challenge, how to actually buy smart: what you will really wear for seasons to come, and not ...

Tendencias Wishlist

Hello hello my preciousness! How was your Friday? I guess its great, because its already here on the weekend and it also remains very very little for the year to end !! I am already writing my letter to the wise men and I bring you a wishlist of ZAFUL so that you also ask for this Christmas! I hope you like it!! Be happy!!! Categorías Jackets Coats Sweaters Dresses Jackets Leather Jacket Compra ...

Projects slider zblog

Hello bloggers! Today I will talk about a website that I discovered recently: Stylewe. As always, I like to show you sites with low prices and this is one of them. But nothing better to show you photos so you can check it yourselves. Also, if you want to be a day you can follow their Pinterest by clicking here. I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! Hoy os voy a hablar de un ...

guadalupe Travel

When Antoine told me that he had got a job in Guadeloupe you cant imagine my happiness! Finally we were going to see the sun!!Lets be honnest after 7 years in Belgium (even if they were amazing) summer and the sun is not something that we see very often., so during all this time my summer clothes stayed on a side for my great regret, because is my favourite season. With The Honney Moon ahead and t ...

Outfits nike wood wood

Please excuse me for the awful quality of these pictures. My old photographer (ex-boyfriend) and I are no longer together. Not that I need to tell you about my personal life, but I do feel I need to explain why I am not updating my website as frequently. To be honest this happened a long time ago, but thanks to all my traveling this past year and my family and friends I was able to manage for quit ...

A lot of girls are positively in would like of the most effective Shapewear for his or her tummy and waist. Here at Nebility Shapewear, we offer the most effective shapewear bodysuits and panties that you just need. it's sensible to take care of good condition once researching gestation or birthing. At Nebility, your would like is of utmost importance. The look for the right underclothes that ...