Hello hello my preciousness! How was your Friday? I guess its great, because its already here on the weekend and it also remains very very little for the year to end !! I am already writing my letter to the wise men and I bring you a wishlist of ZAFUL so that you also ask for this Christmas!
I hope you like it!! Be happy!!!


Jackets Coats Sweaters Dresses


Leather Jacket


Black Biker Jacket


White Jacket



Plaid Coat


Army Green Coat


Camel Coat



Green Sweater


Balls Applique Sweater


Metallic Rings Sweater



Mini Knitted Dress


Crossed Front Dress


Floral Mini Dress


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Hola holaaaa mores!! Juernes noche!!! Qué más se puede pedir??? Pues que sea ya viernes no?? Jajaja! Espero que hayáis tenido un día genial! Hoy os traigo un look, propuesta para las comidas y cenas d ...

Hola holaaaa mores!! Qué tal vuestro día?? Espero que genial!! Ya estamos a mitad de semana!! Cómo vuelan los días! Ya estamos casi casi en Navidad y yo aún no he puesto ni el árbol en casa! Hoy os en ...

Hola holaaaa mores!! Qué tal el martes?? Yo resfriada, con un dolor de garganta impresionante y medio boba por culpa del Frenadol, pero bueno… Quejarse no vale de nada, así que aquí estoy debajo ...

Hola holaaaaa mores!! Comenzamos nueva semana!! Una semana repleta de descuentos porque se acerca el Black Friday!! ¿Os habéis pillado ya algo? Porque yo hoy os traigo un súper descuentazo de FRIKING ...

Etiquetas: TendenciasWishlist


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Hello bloggers! Today I bring you some pictures completely summer because for me there is no better place than the beach. I like to go in the summer, lie down and listen to the waves, but I also think its a beautiful place in winter, to walk along the shore wearing a chubby sweatshirt. The swimsuit that you see me today is from Zaful and it can be yours already by clicking here. I chose it because ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I can already say that Im officially on vacation, but my vacation will be resumed in studying and studying for January and I do not want to :(, well, there is no other. Today I show you the look of last Saturday that you could already see in my Instagram (@lydiacorzo) in maroon and black color. The dress of Stradivarius I liked very much to see it since it is very simple but at the ...

I have already told you many times that my favorite garment are dresses and today I want to show you two new trends: button up dress and dress with slit. You can find the dresses that I show you in the following pictures in the store Zaful Ya os he comentado en varias ocasiones que mi prenda favorita son los vestidos y hoy quiero enseñaros dos nuevas tendencias, los vestidos con botones hasta arr ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! Today I bring a very short post because I have time just to stay here writing a little bit for you. And yes, but Im surrounded by notes of a subject, another, and another, and another ... The look that I teach today may not be easier, I know, but its too comfortable (if you have a few boyfriends you know what I mean). I combined it with my inseparable Adidas Superstar, black sweate ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! This weekend has been something longer, four days and that never hurts to rest, right? I show you this look in gray and pink with sweater from the Zaful website that you can buy by clicking here. I also carry my new case for the mobile of the new collection of the web Richmond & Finch that very soon you can in its web. As you can see the accessories I used were in gold color as my ...

That desire to get already cold, not is because but Im already tired of this so good time, I want to wear other types of garments. Today I bring you a list of wishes of the shop Zaful already know that I love and once in a while I like to teach you what I have him cast the eye, so I leave with you a few things. Que ganas de que llegue ya el frío no se por que pero ya estoy cansada de este tiempo t ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! You know that aside from the posts with normal looks I also like to share with you my new discoveries in online stores. Today I speak of Stylewe, is similar to other stores of which I already spoke to you. These webs I like very much because they have very very very affordable prices and if you know how to look good you can find great quality clothes and do not take any disappointm ...

Diciembre 9 de 2016 HOLA!!! Aquí os traigo mi lista de Diciembre, cargada de recomendaciones y cosas que me encantan, y ademas un montón de ideas para Navidad! que ya esta aquí. Espero que os guste mucho, mucho. LOT OF LOVE!!!. HELLO!!! Here I bring you my December list, loaded with recommendations and things that I love, and also a lot of ideas for Christmas! That is already here I hope you li ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! Today I bring you a wishlist of the Zaful. In this I am going to show you some casual mini dresses that I have loved because as the good weather arrives it is the garment that I use most for how comfortable it is. I also show you some green chiffon dress. I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. Click here to buy it Click here to buy it Click here to buy it

Hello bloggers! Some time ago I did not make a list with the products that I liked most of a website so as it is already time here you have it. Today I speak of two websites in particular, one of them is Stylewe, which I have already mentioned many more times here because you know that I like a lot and the second web is one that I just discovered and is called Just Fashion Now. It is similar to St ...