Etxart & Panno: Disco Lights

Esto de colaborar con La Guía de Moda me está dando la oportunidad de descubrir tiendas y tendencias increíbles, y con este conjunto de Etxart & Panno no iba a ser menos. Y más conociendo mi debilidad por los años 70 y el tema disco...

There are some clothes you like when you see them hanging and you love when you try them. Thats what happened to me with this Etxart & Panno set that reminds me of Seventies and disco lights.

Hay prendas que desde la percha llaman tu atención y cuando te las pruebas no hacen más que corroborar por qué te cautivaron a primera vista. Es lo que me pasó con este conjunto de Etxart & Panno que me recuerda mucho a los años setenta y las luces disco.

Es un conjunto de falda larga y top cruzado que se adapta al cuerpo perfectamente gracias a su tejido a medio camino entre la seda y la gasa. Además, su estampado multicolor súper favorecedor me recuerda a las bolas disco de los años setenta, que reflejaban la luz con su movimiento. Pues con este modelo pasa casi lo mismo. Así que si queréis deslumbrar en vuestro próximo evento, ya sabéis.

De hecho, ya os lo enseñé en mi post sobre Las Vegas, porque me parecía perfecto para una ocasión como esa...

En colaboración con La Guía de Moda

Agradecimientos: Etxart & Panno. Calle Puentezuelas, 32. 18002 Granada7

Fotografía: Mazintosh y Gustavo Fotografía

Fuente: este post proviene de Fitness & Chicness, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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Estilo; Etxart & Panno; Eventos; ...

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accesorice accesorios Lee ...

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Outfits spring celine ...

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So this weekend we went to visit a friend for his birthday down south, the climate there is completely different than here in Madrid. It is so much warmer you really didn’t need a coat during the day, it was fantastic! Sadly I only packed sneakers because well there is no other footwear appropriate for the beach in winter when you can’t wear sandals (it’s not THAT warm), and any ...

Hello bloggers! Today I want to tell you about the NewChic website. Very recently I discovered this web and the truth is that at first sight I liked it. I have placed an order and when I arrive I will leave you a post talking about them, their quality, shipping time, my satisfaction and everything else. In the meantime I leave you a list with the products that I liked the most. I hope you like it. ...

Looks slider zblog

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Fashion Outfit análogo ...

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hair review

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#Twinning #AboyinAfrica #Ramones #Fashion #Fashionblogger #Lifestyleblogger #Southafricanblogger

Hello! Its been a while. During this lockdown, I have been incredibly busy spending time with those who really matters: My Family. Between homeschooling, working in my own business and teaming up with some brands, my time has become very limited. However, I am still doing fun things :) For example twinning with my son Luka who is turning soon 6 years! Can you believe it? When he was a baby, I us ...