Review | TRESemmé Expert Selection Perfectly (UN)Done Shampoo and Conditioner

TRESemmé Expert Selection
Perfectly (UN)Done Shampoo and Conditioner

Hey guys, today I bring you another review on hair products, this time is this kit
by TRESemmé that was sent to me months ago by Influenster; If you don’t know what
Influenster is, its basically a way of getting free makeup and products to try for FREE,
it obviously work with your social media and how much impact you have in others,
but let me tell you, its easy as a piece of cake.

All you do is get the products, and review them being COMPLETELY HONEST.
After the campaign is done, you’ll have to fill a survey about the product, again being
completely honest about how you felt using a determined product.
Some boxes come with just one product when they are made specifically by a brand,
or you can be lucky enough to get a box filled with goodies from makeup to yummy snacks.
If you wanna join this cool way of getting makeup you just have to click this link

Now, talking about the products. I didn’t want to write a review until I really knew
my thoughts about it.
Becoming from a person who takes A LOT of care of her hair, I had to try this for at least
a full month.
The shampoo is really good, its like a silicon based formula and its completely clear. It
reminds me of one of those shampoos meant to clean your scalp from any product residue
to prepare your hair for deep conditioning and also give you a weightless look. Cause even
if I like my hair straight like an asian girl, I don’t want it to look like a pan of grease.
You feel me?

The product overall is really good, works wonders and the smell is amazing.
I have no complains what so ever.
Now talking about the conditioner, I can’t even describe this product, it is AMAZING!
This makes my hair so soft and manageble it was unbelievable. I was tangle free within
minutes and even thought its a really creamy/buttery consistency, I had no hard time
washing it away. The smell lasted about a week and I was frizz free for the longest!
The only thing I could say that isn’t as good (because its not even that bad) is that since
these products are really big and chunky I would rather have a pump instead of a
squeezing bottle. These things are heavy.

But other than that Im really happy with the results and I totally recommend this to you.
If you would like to see my hair care videos I will post it below.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Until next post;
Thaly Sucart

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