Are Birkenstocks the next (but not new) it shoe?

Realizados a base de corcho y cuero, los Birkenstock han vuelto, si es que alguna vez se fueron claro.

Casi 240 años avalan a este calzado ? Habéis leído bien, los primeros fueron diseñados y creados en 1774 en Alemania ? y aunque a simple vista no resulten excesivamente atractivos, la comodidad y ergonomía están de su parte, además los diferentes modelos cuentan con una amplia paleta de colores que los hacen más llamativos.

Aún les queda un largo recorrido pero ¡Quién sabe si las sandalias Birkenstock serán las próximas cangrejeras! (Y quién dice cangrejeras dice los botines Dickers o las sneakers de Isabel Marant o incluso, los Lita de Jeffrey Campbell; ¡Será por calzados-estrella!)

Made of cork and leather, the Birkenstock shoes have made a comeback, instead of don?t knowing whether they went away or not.

Almost 240 years support them ? You have read it well, the first ones were designed in 1774 in Germany ? and although at first sight they don?t seem really attractive or eye-catching, the comfort and ergonomics are on their side, moreover, the different models have a wide color range that made them showier.

They have a long way but who knows if the Birkenstock sandals will be the next jelly shoes! (And when I say jelly shoes I could also say the Dicker booties or the sneakers by Isabel Marant or even the Lita by Jeffrey Campbell; There are too many it-craze-shoes!

Kate Moss wearing Birkenstock shoes on The Face July 1990 editorial by Corinne Day

Gisele Bundchen wearing Birckenstock shoes on Vogue Paris June/July 2012 "Perfect Girl" editorial
by Inez & Vinoodh

Images sources:, thefashionguitar, fashionmenow artyfilles, tfs, chicmuse, mydubio

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