This is one of those garments that sold out at the beginning of the season, almost the first week it went online, and was never replenished. I tried everything to find it but it was impossible. I was so mad, because I really wanted a striped shirt with an oversized fit. All the ones I own have been gifts and even though they are nice, they were not picked by me, so they have never been love at first sight. This one however was a winner from the minute I saw it (online) and the fact that I was unable to try it was what made me doubt if to buy it. That and the price which is high…extremely high for a shirt (though I would gladly pay it for shoes), but somehow when it comes to clothes I have a hard time investing big. So I passed and then I had the chance to try it on a different color in store, and I loved it! And by then of course it was sold out, so I sadly moved on to the next thing which at the moment was saving for my Céline Classic bag. Now strangely, this BLACK FRIDAY this shirt magically appeared at a multi-brand store in my size (which is the hardest to find) and on sale. Really? I feel luckier, this was a total no brainer it took me less than a second to get it, and finally I have it! I am over the moon, and so happy to have a classic piece with a contemporary fit than can serve both for fall/winter (underneath layers of knitwear) and for spring/summer, but itself as a top or as a cover up for swimwear.
Esta es el tipo de prenda que nada mas salir a la venta se agota, no llega a mitad de temporada y no reponen el stock. Intenté todo para encontrarla pero fue imposible. Que frustración, haber encontrado la camisa a rayas ideal, que siempre había querido y que se agotase. Aunque tengo un par un tanto similares, me las han regalado y no me vuelven locas, como no las escogí yo, no me representan al 100%. Esta en cambio fue amor a primera vista desde el primer segundo en que la vi (online), pero al no poder probarla (eso y que el precio es desorbitado para una camisa) no me lance a por ella. Cuando por fin pude probarla aunque en otro color, y comprobar que me estaba bien, decido comprarla y como no, esta agotada. Intenté borrarla de mi mente o convencerme de que me gustaría igual en otro color, pero no fue así. Este BLACK FRIDAY por casualidades de la vida me vuelvo a encontrar con la camisa en una tienda multimarca en mi talla, el color que me gusta y con descuento. Que suerte! Evidentemente que tarde un segundo en comprarla. Aunque no podré lucirla mucho hasta primavera (estos meses mas bien la llevare bajo capas de ropa) es una pieza estupenda, ya que puede usarse todo el año (me gusta la idea de llevarla sobre el bañador en verano) y que pese a su forma oversize, es un fondo de armario perfecto!
Balenciaga oversized striped shirt (get the last one in a size 42 HERE) (get it in a different color HERE)