This is me

Realmente el look de hoy, expone a gritos lo que soy, conozco muchas personas que consideran la moda y todo lo que le rodea como banal, cuando vestirnos es el acto más profundo, pues revela tanto de nosotros, es nuestra segunda piel, tan es así, que cuando tenemos una cita bien sea profesional, personal o amorosa, queremos lucir de tal o cual forma, nos esforzamos el doble, por conseguir lucir tal cual lo imaginamos, porque precisamente queremos transmitir algo, esta ocasión lo que quiero transmitir es la Sil que soy cuando no tengo que trabajar, la tipa más desgarbada que existe, bueno no sé si tanto, amo tirarme al suelo y leer, o botarme de la risa, les juro mi humor es súper simple, me rio por todo y brincar es mi acto favorito... más menos esta soy yo.

The outfit of today, really shows my real self, I know a lot of people who thinks that fashion and all around of it as a banal stuff, my opinion is completly different I think when we choose  what to wear as a deep act, because it reveals a lot about us, it is our second skin, when we have a date either professional, personal or romantic, we want to look in a certain way because we want to send a message. This time what I want to express with the outfit it is the Sil that does not have to work, an ungainly girl, well no that much lol, I really love been on the floor reading or laughing about everything, my humor is really simple and jumping is my favorite thing. well this is more or less myself. 

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No sé que me emociona más si saber que estamos a nada del maravilloso fin de semana; o usar una de mis prendas favoritas, yo como millones de seres humanos en el universo soy fanática de la mezclilla, ...

Seguramente ya me descubrieron y saben que soy una niñota, siiiiii, a veces peco de inmadura, me divierten las cosas más insignificantes y prácticamente me rio por todo; para atender algunos pendiente ...

Etiquetas: general



hair review

TRESemmé Expert Selection Perfectly (UN)Done Shampoo and Conditioner Hey guys, today I bring you another review on hair products, this time is this kit by TRESemmé that was sent to me months ago by Influenster; If you don’t know what Influenster is, its basically a way of getting free makeup and products to try for FREE, it obviously work with your social media and how much impact you have in ...

Belleza Cuidado de la piel (Skin Care) Reseñas Cosméticos ...

This post is sponsored by La Bella but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. Summer has arrived and along with it, all the fun and wonderful outdoor activities! This is the time of the year we all look forward to. But with it comes the sun, sweat, salt of the beach, sand and these things can elements can do real damage our hair and skin. At this time of year I try to simplify al ...

moda autumn winter look

Hola amores, sintiéndolo mucho éste va a ser mi último post. El blog ya no me ilusiona, ha pasado de ser un hobbie a convertirse en un trabajo para el que no tengo tiempo. Puede que en un futuro lo vuelva a retomar, no lo sé, pero ahora mismo necesito centrarme en mi familia y en mí misma. De todas formas, esto no es un adiós. Voy a seguir subiendo mis looks diarios a mis redes sociales: FACEBOOK ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! How is your week? Mine I want to be short because on Sunday we go to Seville and Im crazy, Im dying of desire. The look I teach today is made up of a wide sweater with white collar, black cloth pants, Superstars and my new love that is this backpack of the Zaful website. The truth is that inside is even smaller if it fits, but it has me crazy and I use it almost daily. I leave here ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Since last Fridays great! :) Today I show you the pictures we took last Saturday is that although the order should have not yet published this post, but I really could not hold back the urge and Im in love with this biker but not lying, really, the bikers I have in my closet if I have to choose one this certainly is. And it is that being honest, it was a crush what I felt with her ...

moda brussels fall winter 2014 ...

Last Monday we start the week with an inspirational post about ponchos, you can remind yourself by checking it out again here, as I told you it is my favorite trend of the season, so to continue with the same mood, on today?s post, you can see one of my looks with this piece of clothing. I hope you like it and that you get inspired for your future looks. If you want to stay tuned to the new post ...

Summer is around the corner so we have to think about what kind of swimsuit we want to wear this year. I really love two trends: High waisted swim shorts and Tiny bathing suits. Im going to show you my favourite models from Zaful online store. Hope you like it El verano está a la vuelta de la esquina y es tiempo de playa y piscina por lo que tenemos que ir pensando en que tipo de traje de baño qu ...

Purchases Balenciaga

Every season I try and buy a new pair of sunglasses because I feel it is an accessory that can really add to an outfit. This season however my wishlist is full of sunglasses and I am trying to contain myself as much as I can and so far I have done well with just this pair, a square shaped pair of sunglasses by Balenciaga. This is my first squared pair, I have a few wayfarer, round and oval but not ...


1. Jane Birkin ¿Harta de bangs, pixies, bobs, mechas californianas y beach wave hair? Yo también El blunt cut es la solución. Según Joey Silvestera, el hombre que se esconde tras el cuidado y el aspecto de la melena de Alexander Wang, el blunt cut es el no-corte, el anti-hairstyle, en resumen, la vuelta a la normalidad del corte casi recto, muy poco desfilado y con capas larguísimas o incluso, sin ...

general #blogger #pregnant #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #sourhafrica

MOOD: The Sea - Morcheeba Today, I decided to sit and write something more personal? one of the purposes of my blog was to come back to my joy of writing, which during the last nine months has been a great source of therapy and a way of leaving imprinted somehow, all my thoughts and feelings. Writing has become a way of recording what it has meant to be expecting my son; a way to share this time ...