¿Negro? Sí, por favor

Hello bloggers! How is your week?

Mine I want to be short because on Sunday we go to Seville and Im crazy, Im dying of desire.

The look I teach today is made up of a wide sweater with white collar, black cloth pants, Superstars and my new love that is this backpack of the Zaful website. The truth is that inside is even smaller if it fits, but it has me crazy and I use it almost daily. I leave here the link in case you want to buy it.

I hope you like it.

A huge kiss,


¡Hola bloggers! ¿Qué tal vuestra semana?

La mía quiero que se me haga corta pues el domingo vamos a Sevilla y estoy como loca, me muero de ganas.

El look que hoy os enseño se compone de un jersey ancho con cuello en color blanco, pantalones de tela negros, Superstars y mi nuevo amor que es esta mochila de la web Zaful. La verdad es que por dentro es aún más pequeña si cabe, pero me tiene como loca y la utilizo casi a diario. Os dejo aquí el link por si la queréis comprar.

Espero que os guste.

Un beso enorme,


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Hello bloggers! Last weekend we were in Cordoba and as a summary I could say that this city has stolen my heart, so much that it competes in positions with Seville and that this last one is my favorite city. From Cordoba I loved its narrow streets full of flowers, plants, fountains, arches, full of shops and life. I am sincerely looking forward to returning very soon because I was looking forward ...

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Looks Projects zblog

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