High waisted swim shorts | Zaful

Summer is around the corner so we have to think about what kind of swimsuit we want to wear this year. I really love two trends: High waisted swim shorts and Tiny bathing suits. Im going to show you my favourite models from Zaful online store. Hope you like it

El verano está a la vuelta de la esquina y es tiempo de playa y piscina por lo que tenemos que ir pensando en que tipo de traje de baño queremos lucir este año. Hay dos tendencias que me llaman especialmente la atención y son los bañadores con pantalón de cintura alta y los bikinis. Voy a enseñaros mis modelos favoritos de la tienda online Zaful. Espero que os guste mi selección.

1- Bikini azul marino AQUÍ, 2- Bikini tropical AQUÍ, 3- Bikini piñas AQUÍ

1- Bikini granate AQUÍ, 2- Bikini flores AQUÍ, 3- Bikini círculos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡ Buenos días Bauler@s !!! ¿Qué tal va la primavera? Por aquí tuvimos unos días de mucho calor pero, ya sabéis, hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo, así que esta semana ha vuelto el frío y de n ...

¡¡¡ Buenos días Bauler@s !!! Pasar del odio al amor es posible y es lo que me ha pasado con los pantalones de campana o de "pata de elefante". Durante mi adolescencia los usé y los amé como ...




Swimwear Swimwear Fashion 2015 Swimwear trends 2015 ...

Swimwear Trends 2015 offer us many alternatives to have fun with fashion this summer 2015. In our previous post we were watching their main characteristics. Now it is time to choose the most appropriate swimsuit or bikini to our silhouette. In AF Moda again we want to help you get the best of you, so this post will give you some tips to choose the swimwear that best suits your figure and personali ...

Hi guys, 2 days ago I published another Zaful wishlist and today I want to show you my favourites of two new trends; color block bathing suit and white bikini top. Hope you like it. Hola Bauler@s, hace dos dias os mostraba otra wishlist de Zaful y en la de hoy quiero enseñaros dos nuevas tendencias; trajes de baño de color y tops de bikini blancos. Espero que os guste. 1- Bikini rayas AQUÍ, 2- Ba ...

accesorice Looks

Goodmorning! Weekend is nearly here! Sinde we arrived in this island we have change a lot our mores, among others the way we dress, I have realize that half of my wardrove is useless here, but that the accesories are perfect to change normal looks in more special. Also that you need to have your bikini each time because you never know how the day is going to end and where you will take a swim :) I ...

Hello bloggers! The other day we were in a beautiful place and we took these pictures that have me in love. I chose this Zaful swimsuit that I find very beautiful and original, with the cut by the waist and in two colors (click here to buy it) What do you think? I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! El otro día estuvimos en un sitio precioso e hicimos estas fotos que me tienen ...

Hello bloggers! Today I bring you some pictures completely summer because for me there is no better place than the beach. I like to go in the summer, lie down and listen to the waves, but I also think its a beautiful place in winter, to walk along the shore wearing a chubby sweatshirt. The swimsuit that you see me today is from Zaful and it can be yours already by clicking here. I chose it because ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Today I show you some photos that you could say are my favorite this summer. We did it when it was already dusk and the water was great to take a shower plus the place could not inspire more peace and quiet. Was wearing a t-shirt with a print of the Zaful website that you can buy by clicking here and a green bikini. What do you think? I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola ...

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Basse Terre guadalupe Looks ...

A few summers ago I started to look for a one piece bathing suit but it wasnt until this summer that finally it got more easy to find them on the stores. One piece swimsuits were forgoten for a while but I love that they are finally back on trend because for me they are elegant and sexy at the same time. Sometimes I use them like a body mix with a long skirt or a short like on the pictures. Este v ...

Looks zblog

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