Tendencias pre-fall 2014

AGOSTO. 09 2014

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Etiquetas: moda



moda designers and collections samuji

My friend Omar first introduced me to Samuji not so long ago and even though I really liked it, this collection is where I fall in love. As simple as it gets, mixing a pale shy young woman with masculine accents it is all us lovers of the simple and sophisticated could ask for with a real down to earth vibe. I love when the presentation of clothes is as real as the pieces itself, because this is h ...

moda designers and collections inspiration ...

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend! I sure did it was just fantastic to disconnect a little bit and relax. Pre-fall collections are popping up as we speak, and I am in love with so many of them! Of course minimalism is a trend now and unfortunately it does not make any designer (or person) following it currently be actually a firm believer or trusted ambassador of what in my opinion is mo ...

moda mbfwm my photographs

Etxeberría Fall/Winter 2014-2015 ¡Cuánto echaba de menos MBFW Madrid! Ya estoy de vuelta, agotada pero con casi 700 fotografías en la tarjeta de memoria de las colecciones Otoño/Invierno 2014-2015 que os iré mostrando poco a poco y que, como siempre, podréis ver más en mi Flickr. (Iré actualizándola a medida que publique) I really missed MBFW Madrid! Now I?m back, tired but with almost 700 photogr ...

moda mbfwm my photographs

Teresa Helbig Fall/Winter 2014-2015 La 59ª edición de Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid ha tocado a su fin, con dos merecidísimos ganadores del Premio L?Oréal, Juan Vidal y la modelo española Blanca Padilla, y un también merecido premio Fashion Talent al diseñador nóvel Ernesto Naranjo. Sin embargo, por aquí continuaréis viendo más y más fotografías de las colecciones Otoño-Invierno 2014/2015 pres ...


Por Yamilet Gutierrez Hola chicas!Ultimamente no le he dado cariño al blog.Tengo muchos problemas familiares.Estoy sufriendo de violencia en casa y se me hace dificil inspirarme asi.Violencia Domestica no es solo entre marido y mujer.Es mas complejo que eso pero es otro tema a tocar. Hello girls.I don"t write for a while.Iam having a lot of .miliar struggles.Iam suffering for violence with m ...

moda designers and collections the row

One of my favorites: The Row. One of the few brands that keeps an impecable line, straight continuity and always brings something new to the table that brands end up emulating years after. So far, to me almost every brand portraying this silhouette reminds me of The Row. It’s almost as if the Olsen twins started this whole minimal trend, with their line as a channel and have made their style ...

moda wishlist etre cecile ...

Early fall is usually mild, so before jumping to sweaters I will start with my sweatshirt wishlist. I am a huge sweatshirt addict since I was a in school. I would always try to add something personal to my uniform and very frequently I went with sweatshirts, sadly it was not allowed so they made me take it off. Now that was a long time ago, and sweatshirts are still one of my favorite garments, I ...