Sexy bedtime by FreedomSilk

Hello my darlings!

How are you? I want to introduce you a new cool website. In 2013, Freedomsilk creater Belle was prescribed acne medication which resulted in extremely sensitive skin and thinning hair. Her dermatologist suggested sleeping on a silk bedding. For those who dont know, silk pillowcases are just that - pillowcases made entirely of silk which are said to help prevent wrinkles and even breakouts, help skin stay hydrated, and regulate body heat. The results were dramatic and immediate. Belle never looked back. She had stumbled upon a long forgotten beauty secret - and Freedomsilk was born.
When it comes to the skincare factor, there isnt really any hard evidence that a silk bed set has anti-aging properties. Do a little Google searching and youll find that dermatologists have put a resounding “maybe” out there. And personally, I cant say my laugh lines have magically disappeared in the several weeks Ive been using it, but waking up without giant pillow creases on my face certainly does make a difference, especially when youre getting off a red-eye to, say, meet your boyfriends parents for the first time.
To really aid your skin, stick to a dermatologist-approved skin care routine, make sure youre removing all makeup before bed, and use safe, non-irritating products. Luxury silk bedding sets are just the cherry on top for an already established skin care routine! And you work like an adult, you deserve to relax like an adult too. A nice set of silk pajamas is the perfect place to start. Honestly, whats more grown-up than wearing fancy silk nightgown to have a sexy night? Plus, I now know that I actually do understand at least one thing about the Kardashians: the cant-live-without-it need for this silk travel pillow is so real LOL

Please, check the images below and click the pictures for more info! Hope you like it!

Silk pajama

Silk bedding

Silk nightgown

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