¡Muchas gracias por vuestros comentarios!
Hi everyone!, last Saturday I used for the first time the red coat that I show you in my last "new in" post, despite of the fact that I thought that I would keep it for the next fall.
We had a windy day, not very nice, but I got some pictures for this post anyway.I hope you like it!
Thanks a lot for your comments!
Abrigo/Coat -Persunmall
Camisa/Shirt - Lefties
Falda/Skirt - Persunmall
Bolso/Bag -Longchamp
Pulsera/Necklace -Lovelix
Botines/Booties - Justfab
Anillos/Rings -Lovelix
Collar/Necklace -Lovelix
Instagram: ale90cb
Twitter: @enunsalondebell
Facebook: En un Salón de Belleza Blog
Chicisimo: Sandra C
Bloglovin: En un salón de belleza
¡Nos vemos mañana a las 9:00h!
See you tomorrow at 9:00!