Pirate mood

I was wearing:

Purple swimwear: Oysho

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Purchases Balenciaga

This is one of those garments that sold out at the beginning of the season, almost the first week it went online, and was never replenished. I tried everything to find it but it was impossible. I was so mad, because I really wanted a striped shirt with an oversized fit. All the ones I own have been gifts and even though they are nice, they were not picked by me, so they have never been love at fir ...

general deco beach ...

Beautiful Bikini From Oysho Buenos días a todos. Las vacaciones se han terminado, pero bueno, no por ello hay que dejar de disfrutar de la vida y de la naturaleza. Siempre que puedo, me doy un salto a alguna de las playas maravillosas que hay en la isla. Las fotos de hoy están hechas en una de mis preferidas y de la mano de Oysho con uno de sus bikinis. Casi siempre me compro bikinis de lacitos. N ...

Fashion fashion blogger Fashion editorial ...

Today was a fantastic day, I was the whole morning shooting the Mothers Day edition for People Magazine South Africa. The special thing about this shoot was that I did it with my son Luka. We all had so much fun and he definitely was the star of the day. Here some pictures of backstage The production team of People Magazine were absolutely lovely. It was so cool to work with them. While ...

Tendencias Wishlist

Hola hola mis tesoros!! Qué tal os ha ido el día?? El mío genial y a tope, como siempre!! Hoy os sigo trayendo cositas ideales para este verano!! Es que vivo enamorada de toda la ropa de SHEIN, me encanta absolutamente todo!! Espero que os guste!! Sed felices! Hello hello my treasures !! How was your day? Mine is great and full, as always !! Today I continue bringing things ideal for this summer ! ...

general outfits travels ...

Hola a tod@s! Hoy vengo encantada de compartir con vosotros mi último viaje: Colombia. Qué os puedo decir que no hayáis imaginado ya de Colombia: playas de arenas blancas y aguas cristalinas, maravillosa arquitectura colonial, gente acogedora... Sí, el paraíso existe, y una parte de él está en Colombia :) Hi everyone! I´m excited to share with you my last trip: Colombia. What can I say you haven´ ...

general outfits travels ...

Hola a tod@s! Hoy vengo encantada de compartir con vosotros mi último viaje: Colombia. Qué os puedo decir que no hayáis imaginado ya de Colombia: playas de arenas blancas y aguas cristalinas, maravillosa arquitectura colonial, gente acogedora... Sí, el paraíso existe, y una parte de él está en Colombia :) Hi everyone! I´m excited to share with you my last trip: Colombia. What can I say you haven´ ...