Tacos & Nachos

Hello bloggers!

For me, since Friday it is officially summer and then Im done selecitividad. I am very happy but nervous about the results, Ill tell you.

These photos we did a few weeks ago for one of those streets that you know that I love them. I chose this new red skirt gave me some friends and I wanted to get a casual look so combined it with this very Mexican and converses shirt. Do you like the result?

I hope you like it.

A huge kiss,


¡Hola bloggers!

Para mí, desde el pasado viernes ya es oficialmente verano pues yo ya terminé selecitividad. Estoy muy feliz aunque nerviosa por los resultados, ya os contaré.

Estas fotos las hicimos hace unas semanas por una de esas calles que ya sabéis que me encantan. Elegí esta nueva falda roja que me regalaron unas amigas y quise obtener un look informal por lo que la combiné con esta camiseta muy mexicana y converses. ¿Os gusta el resultado?

Espero que os guste.

Un beso enorme,


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¡Hola bloggers! Ya sé que llevo algún tiempo sin publicar en el blog pero lo cierto es que la universidad me está quitando todas las horas del día. Hoy os enseño este look que fotografiamos hace varia ...

¡Hola bloggers! El otro día recibí un paquete con ropa de la web Desires. El primer look que decidí fotografiar ha sido éste, con pantalón y camiseta deportiva a juego. No son los looks que suelo util ...

Hello bloggers! I continue to share photos of our trip to Córdoba with you. As you can see in this post there are two different locations, one is a famous street known as "Calleja de las flores&q ...

¡Hola bloggers! Hoy os comparto las últimas fotos de nuestro viaje y viéndolas ya me entran ganas de volver de nuevo porque realmente Córdoba me robó el corazón. El último día visitamos la Mezquita y ...

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Hello bloggers! Happy Wednesday! When youre reading this Ill be in class because, today is my first day and today I routine. These photos we did on Monday and is a super simple look but I love very much. No need to tell you that I like to go for comfort and converse with my inseparable thats insured. I added some shorts, shirt with printed letters and to give it that touch that lacked a maxi blaze ...

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Hello bloggers! Happy New Year that I have not yet congratulated you here. I hope this new year comes loaded with happiness for all of you. Today I show you a simple look with sneakers and it is that I have realized that I have not taught you casual looks like this one made up of jeans, a thick coat, sweater and sneakers and, although they are the least taught lately, Are the most used in my day t ...

Hello bloggers! The other day we were in a beautiful place and we took these pictures that have me in love. I chose this Zaful swimsuit that I find very beautiful and original, with the cut by the waist and in two colors (click here to buy it) What do you think? I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! El otro día estuvimos en un sitio precioso e hicimos estas fotos que me tienen ...