My new magnetic eyelashes by Dresslily

OMG guys!!

I found my holy grail makeup. Thanks to Dresslily! VERY natural looking, just looks like you have awesome lashes, not fake lashes. I love these accent ones!
Coupon (with extra discount): love2018 (extra 12% off over 20$)

Magnetic eyelashes 4.86$

Long-long magnetic eyelashes with natural fibres.
Length: 1cm-1.5cm

Im not used to wearing a false eyelashes but using this magnetic eyelashes is just a piece of cake for me. It does take you a few tries to learn how to use them, but after youve figured it out, it takes me no longer than about 15 seconds per eye, which is much better than breaking out the glue. These product are so attractive with a full cuteness! I love them so much cause theyve great quality. Lovely glitter case. Easy to apply and no damage!!

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