Is there anybody out there?
Seguramente cuando leyeron el titulo de la entrada pensaron en la maravillosa rola de los maestros de la música Pink Floyd, he de decirles que es una de mis bandas favoritas, amo toda su música, aunque el objetivo de este post no es hablar de música, pero ¿quien no hemos disfrutado de un buen libro acompañado de nuestra música predilecta?.
I am sure when you read the title of the post you thought about the amazing music of one of the greatest bands Pink Floyd, let me tell you that they are one of my favorite bands, I love all of their music, even though the purpose of the post it is not about music, who have not enjoyed a good book with our favorite music?.
La historia de este libro seguramente ya la conocen, hace unos días la publique en las redes sociales, a grandes rasgos paseaba por el parque y una chica me lo obsequio, me comento que ella destina cierta cantidad mensual a la compra de libros, mismos que regala, con la finalidad de que los mexicanos leamos un poco más, lo cual fue genial.
The history of the book I am almost sure that you know about it, a few days ago I publish that a girl that was walking in the park gave it to me as a present, she told me that she tried every month to buy some books and gave them as a present to different people with the finality that the Mexican people to read a little bit more, which by the way I think is great.
Es una novela, la clasifican como novela negra, he de confesar que hasta antes de conocer a esta chica desconocía el término.
The book is a novel classified as a black novel, I have to confess that before I met the girl, I hadn"t heard about it.
Es una lectura ligera, la autora relata un crimen y la investigadora es la protagonista de la trama. Mientras leía pensaba en las series de televisión, esas estilo "CSI", "NCSI", "La ley y el orden" entre otras, aunque no contamos con las súper producciones estadounidenses, lo superamos, creo que la imaginación no tiene limites.
It is a light book, the author tell a story of a crime and the investigator is the main character of the plot, While I was reading I thought about the TV series such as CSI, NCIS, the law and order among others, even though we didn"t have the super productions, I think we surpass them with the imagination.
Me parece que un buen libro es un indispensable en cualquier momento. Les recomiendo el titulo.
Espero no haberlos aburrido con un post tan largo.
Bonito Sábado.
P.D. Se aceptan recomendaciones de lectura.
I think a good book is necessary in any moment, personally I recommend this
I hope I haven"t bored you with this long post.
Have an amazing Saturday
P.S. I accept suggestions for the next book.