Do you want to have a bath with these models?

Kate Moss by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott for Love Magazine N9

Hay cosas que siempre me han hecho cierta gracia en lo que a editoriales respecta, por un lado unas enaltecen a las modelos convirtiéndolas en semidiosas inalcanzables, mientras que otras intentan ?humanizarlas? un poquito fotografiándolas realizando acciones tan simplonas como conducir una moto, pintarse los labios o? ¿Por qué no? Darse un estupendo baño.
Sí, sí, aunque parezca mentira las modelos son mujeres de carne y hueso y oye, también se bañan, no penséis.

Y en un intento de poner orden en mi ordenador ? valga la redundancia ? he descubierto que tenía guardadas una cantidad ingente de editoriales y fotografías sueltas de modelos tan conocidas como Gisele Bundchen, Linda Evangelista, Natalia Vodianova e incluso la omnipresente Kate Moss metidas en la bañera.

Queridas revistas, editores y mentes pensantes detrás de publicaciones de moda, por favor, ya nos hemos dado cuenta de que las modelos se bañan, no repitan este concepto hasta la saciedad.
(Bueno venga, confieso que algunas como las del N9 de Love me flipan muchísimo)

There are some topics that have always made me smile when I look over old fashion editorials; On the one hand some of them elevate the models converting them into unreachable goddesses, while on the other hand there are others that try to make them more ?humane? shooting them carrying out simple actions like driving a motorbike, putting make-up on or? why not? Taking a great bath.
Because yes, even though it seems unbelievable, models are also flesh and blood and hey, they also take baths.

And after trying to keep my computer in order I have discovered I had many editorials and images of renowned models like Gisele Bunchen, Linda Evangelista, Natalia Vodianova and even the omnipresent Kate Moss inside a bathtub.

Dear magazines, editors and brilliant minds behind fashion publications, please, we have realized yet that models take baths, don?t repeat this topic over and over again.
(Well ok, I confess that some of them like the ones inside the 9th issue of Love Magazine are truly astonishing!)

Linda Evangelista by Steven Meisel for Vogue Italia 1993

Candice Swanepoel by Mario Testino for Allure Magazine September 2011 issue

Frida Gustavsson by Robbie Fimmano for Interview Magazine June/July 2013 issue

Kate Moss by Tim Walker for Vogue US April 2012 issue

Natalia Vodianova by Ellen Von Unwerth for Vogue Italia November 2002 issue

Magdalena Frackowiak by Claudia Knoepfel and Stefan Indlekofer for Vogue Paris March 2012 issue

Mariacarla Boscono by Camilla Akrans for Vogue Nippon March 2009 issue

Cara Delevingne by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott for Love Magazine N9

? for Vogue Russia December 2010

Ginta Lapina by Greg Kadel for Vogue Germany June/July 2011 issue

Gisele Bundchen for ?

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