Descubriendo tiendas online

I recently found this page and I loved it.
There is a line that have very New Yorker that I really like. Things are original and can find different garments that are in all stores.

I leave a few things I like and if I buy will tellyou as it is the quality of the clothes here.

Siempre me ha gustado irme de compras por las calles de una ciudad sola o acompañada (creo que me gusta más hacerlo sola).
Desde hace ya varios años también he empezado a comprar desde mi sofá.
Siendo objetivos en la red hay muchísima más oferta de cualquier cosa que te apetezca comprar y a mejores precios.
Creo que para esos días en los que no te ves favorecida, que llueve, hace frío y que tienes ganas de darte un capricho lo mejor es sentarte con tu portátil a mirar páginas de moda.
Todos conocemos Asos, Zara, Ebay...... Etsy.. etc.
Cada vez van apareciendo mas páginas de ropa online y a todos nos gusta no llevar lo que lleva todo el mundo (osea, universo Inditex).

Hace poco descubrí ésta página y me encantó.

Hay una línea que tienen muy Neoyorkina que me gusta mucho. Las cosas son originales y puedes encontrar prendas diferentes a las que hay en toooodas las tiendas.
Os dejo unas cuantas cosas que me gustan y que si me compro os diré como es la calidad de las prendas por aquí.

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StyleWe Blog

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Navegando por la red podéis encontrar milones de trucos de belleza. Alguna vez he pensado que si tuviéramos hacer todas las rutinas que nos proponen , no podríamos realizar ninguna otra actividad.... ...

I recently found this page and I loved it. There is a line that have very New Yorker that I really like. Things are original and can find different garments that are in all stores. ...

El bajo de vestidos y faldas va bajando hasta debajo de las rodillas e incluso tobillos. Todavía son pocas las que se atreven a ponérselo pero las posiblidades que ofrecen las maxifaldas y vestidos la ...



Hello bloggers! Once again I come to tell you about the Stylewe website and it is that taking advantage of these holidays and that here in Spain there are still days to make and receive gifts I have decided to make a list with possible gifts to make. What I like most about this web is that it gives you the possibility to choose between multiple garments and multiple prices and thus you can adapt a ...

Outfits spring Balenciaga ...

Here I am as happy as can be in Paris the one place I really feel I belong. Everytime I come here it’s like home, and after all the wonderful things that happened in this trip its risen above to the very top of places, things, I adore and that are dear to my heart. So the weather is not that bad as the previous days and I am finally wearing my new sneakers by Céline. I went for an in between ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! You know that aside from the posts with normal looks I also like to share with you my new discoveries in online stores. Today I speak of Stylewe, is similar to other stores of which I already spoke to you. These webs I like very much because they have very very very affordable prices and if you know how to look good you can find great quality clothes and do not take any disappointm ...

Hello bloggers! Some time ago I did not make a list with the products that I liked most of a website so as it is already time here you have it. Today I speak of two websites in particular, one of them is Stylewe, which I have already mentioned many more times here because you know that I like a lot and the second web is one that I just discovered and is called Just Fashion Now. It is similar to St ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I show you some photos of the last days of our vacation. We visited a new place, called Tossa del Mar, which we had not seen before and suddenly came up with this idea. The truth is that we had a great time and I loved the views so I still think that things that are not planned are the best, do not you think? I opted for a simple look with shorts type mom and this cute top of strap ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Happy start of the week! The look that I show you today is almost unprecedented, since I posted a picture on my Instagram (lydiacorzo) but just my new dress and sunglasses from TwinkleDeals wasnt seen totally. My closet is filling up tops and dresses like this, leaving the air shoulders and that is a trend that I love and I can not resist it. The photos are beautiful and believe is ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Happy New Year that I have not yet congratulated you here. I hope this new year comes loaded with happiness for all of you. Today I show you a simple look with sneakers and it is that I have realized that I have not taught you casual looks like this one made up of jeans, a thick coat, sweater and sneakers and, although they are the least taught lately, Are the most used in my day t ...

Hello bloggers! One more day I bring you a list of my favorite products of this season of two websites, specifically Stylewe and Just Fashion Now. Both webs and I have mentioned in previous posts so if you want to discover nice clothes, good price and good quality (that is fundamental) keep going down. I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. Stylewe: Click here Click here Just Fashion Now: ...


Hello girls!! Again, I bring you a collaboration with the website StyleWe. And this time I decided to make a wishlist. I leave the links of the clothes underneath, so lets go there! T-shirt velvet The velvet is a trend now and this shirt I love! Blue Shirt Denim Jacket I love the denim jacket! There are basic in the closet. Bikini We have to think about bikinis for the summer, and this one ha ...

Store Review

I love to buy, I am a compulsive buyer I must admit, do not control me, there is something that should be proud but thanks to that this blog today exists. Especially I like many shopping in the lines and the excitement of receiving my package, or love buying relaxation from the comfort of my house, if long walks to get what I want with great variety and zero stress. So today I want to show you the ...