Cómo combinar ropa: 5 looks para invierno

Hace unos años una de las cosas que me costaba mucho era cómo combinar ropa en invierno y no tener la pelea entre looks bonitos vs looks que me mantuvieran calientita. Pero con el tiempo he aprendido a lograr ambas a través de dos cosas: con el arte del layering “agregando capas” y escogiendo ropa térmica invisible. Les propongo algunas ideas que les pueden funcionar para todos los eventos que vienen.

A few years ago one of the things that were very difficult for me was how to combine clothes in winter and not have the fight between fashion looks vs warm looks. But over time I have learned to achieve both through two things: with the art of layering and by choosing invisible thermal clothing. That’s why today I give you some ideas that can work for all the petite events that might come.

Down Puffer Coat // Croc Embossed Faux Leather Mini Skirt // Cable Knit Sweater // Over the Knee High Boots

Oversized Pattern Sweater // Faux Leather Trousers // White Heel Pumps // Double Breasted Plaid Coat

Plaid Green Shacket // Pink Cashmere Blouse // Flare Pants // Sneakers

Cable Sweater Vest ( For more sweater vest ideas click here) // //   High waisted pants One Button Blazer  //  Cream Tone Slingbacks

Chunky Ribbed Sweater // Faux Fur Coat // Pleated Skirt // Embossed Knee High Boot

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