CAOMKA: AF Moda´s Favorites

CAOMKA is one of the most recent discoveries we have made and has quickly become a favorite of AF Moda. We rarely find fashion products where functionality, style and beauty actually merge for the benefit of the end customer. They usually have one of the qualities, but few combine well these three elements.

CAOMKA Waist Packs

CAOMKA is a brand of handbags and waist packs founded in 2008 by Gemma Valls, an entrepreneur mother who sought to reinvent herself creating a very special and full of personality product. The brand name comes from the mixture of the names of her three children, which connects her product with her life story, further strengthening the identity of her business.

Waist Packs

Bags and waist packs of CAOMKA are exclusive and limited editions because they are handmade by the designer. They are modern, comfortable and fun, thanks to its variety of colors and prints that perfectly combine with our informal and casual looks. They are a very practical but with a "cool" touch that makes them a special and striking accessory.

Fanny Packs

Waist Packs with design

Waist or fanny packs are often thought more as a youth or associate to sport or travel product, given the comfort and style that characterizes them (we have to admit that often they are a little ugly and basic). However, when we see products such as CAOMKA, where we can enjoy the functionality of a waist pack but with a design full of details, in fun colors and prints, things change and acquire a special appeal. We can easily incorporate CAOMKA products to our everyday life, combining them with a variety of clothes and accessories; especially in these days when the daily runs demand comfort but without losing our style. It"s about daring to experiment with our image and change the perspective of the waist pack, valuing it now as a new design object.


In AF Moda we are fans of the waist packs since long time ago, and brands like CAOMKAencourage us to be even more. We love that this product is being reinvented and filling of design, so that we can continue to enjoying its comfort but still feeling beautiful. Be encouraged to discover this wonderful brand, and especially to incorporate waist packs to your outfits! You won´t regret it!.

Have a Nice Week and See you next time!

(Source of Images: CAOMKA / Edition: AF Moda)

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