Como ya os he dicho en otros post no es lo mismo ir de vacaciones que ir a vivir y aunque estamos felices en nuestra isla, nunca es fácil decir adiós a tu familia y amigos...pero bueno estamos con las pilas cargadas y listos para seguir disfrutando de todo lo que esta isla nos ofrece.
Hoy os enseño el último look que tomamos en foto en nuestro viaje.
Cuando te vas de viaje y no te puedes llevar todo tu armario contigo hay que pensar bien en lo que metes en ella, piezas comodín, practicas y abrigadas y sobretodo fáciles de combinar en eso se basa el conjunto de hoy.
Espero que os guste, gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios. Animo que ya no queda nada para el fin de semana.
Good Morning! How is the week going? We are already back to Guadeloupe after our amazing holidays in France and Spain, going back is always hard, yes I know what are you thinking, hard? But you live on the caribbeans!
But as I already mention in older post, is not the same when you live some where than when you go for holidays, we are super happy in our island but is not easy to have all your familly and friends that far...but our batteries are charge and we are ready to keep rocking this amazing island :)
Today I wanted to show you the last look we took on photo on our trip.
When tou travel and you cant take with you all your wardrove you have to think carefully what are you taking with you. If is winter my advice is take with you warm pieces, practical and easy to mix and match, and that is what this look is all about.
I hope you like it and enjoy the pictures. Thank you for your visits and comments.