Arréglate conmigo | Para un día normal

¡Hola a tod@s! Como cada jueves, ya tenemos aquí nuevo video. Hoy me maquillo y me peino con vosotros para un día normal. Como veréis súper sencillo y rapidito, el peinado con unas ondas suaves y el maquillaje muy natural. Espero que os guste muchísimo, si es así LIKE y no os olvidéis de suscribiros al canal para no perderos ni un video.


REDES SOCIALES: @paucasielles


Hi! Like every Thursday, there is already the new video. Today I make up and I comb my hair with you for a normal day. As you’ll see, a very simple make up and hairstyle. I hope you enjoy with the video, don’t forget to subscribe.


SOCIAL LINKS: @paucasielles



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Lookbook Mallorca asos ...

¡Hola a tod@s! Hoy comparto con vosotros unas fotos que me encantan, con un look que me gusta muchísimo también. El vestido es de ASOS, como casi toda la ropita premamá que me he comprado. Es en donde mejores diseños encuentro, porque en las tiendas normales no tienen nada que me guste, y la barriguita está muy grande ya como para intentar ponerme prendas de antes del embarazo. Deberían de diseñar ...

Beauty Blogger Beauty Tips Clarins ...

Well-groomed eyebrows can do wonders to you! They help to frame the face, enhance your eye expression and your overall look. Today, I am reviewing this eyebrow pencil from Clarins. I must confess that I wasnt a big fan of eyebrow pencils as I preferred to fill up my eye brows with eye shadows instead. So having the opportunity to get to know this pensil by using it for a month, opened my mind abou ...

moda belleza cosmeticos ...

Hey! Just in time to share with you my Halloween tutorial! This is a very simple look you can achieve with your own stuff, the key is the Yellow Cat Eyes Lenses that you can easily get here. The tutorial is Spanish spoken but no worries because you can understand what is about and of course here are the pictures of the look and the list of products that I used. I hope you like it, give it a thumbs ...

beauty diy makeup ...

Hello everybody! I made a video tutorial of how to fix broken make up, it works for powders, blush and eyeshadows (basically all that have came in powder), because Ive broke many of my powders and i found a way to dont trow them and waste my money, I do also mix colors and it works really nice, so I hope it works for you too! If you like my videos dont forget to subscribe to my channel on youtube ...

outfits Eventos NewIn ...

FOALS - My number Hello! Were new here, taking the routine and ... But there is still adapting myself, I guess like everyone I ran out of vacation on September 1. Well, Im putting up with post touches me so today the last day of the looks that leads to the Low Festival in Benidorm. This look, similar to all festivals are shorts with a blouse Pull & amp; Bear and slippers. You know, for these even ...

Junio 7 de 2017 HOLA!!! Aquí os traigo mi lista de Junio, cargada de recomendaciones y cosas que me encantan, y ademas un montón de ideas!. Espero que os guste mucho, mucho. LOT OF LOVE!!!. HELLO!!! Here I bring you my June list, loaded with recommendations and things that I love, and also a lot of ideas !. I hope you like it a lot, a lot. LOT OF LOVE !!!. 1. Mi rutina desmaquillante. Consiste ...

Abril 14 de 2017 HOLA!!! Aquí os traigo mi lista de Abril, cargada de recomendaciones y cosas que me encantan, y ademas un montón de ideas!. Espero que os guste mucho, mucho. LOT OF LOVE!!!. HELLO!!! Here I bring you my April list, loaded with recommendations and things that I love, and also a lot of ideas !. I hope you like it a lot, a lot. LOT OF LOVE !!!. 1. Mi inseparable La nueva línea per ...

moda outfits

¡Buenas! ¿Cómo va la semana? Ya queda poco, mañana estamos a Viernes ¿Con ganas? Yo sí, muchas, aunque tenga examen ya el Martes que viene... pero hay que tomarse las cosas bien y llevarlas lo mejor que se pueda ¿no? Por cierto, tenía ganas de subir post por un lado porque ya hacía tiempo que no me ponía, pero esta semana he aprovechado al menos para hacer fotos que os enseñaré muy pronto y, por o ...


By Yamilet Gutierrez This post is part of a sponsored campaign on behalf of Latina Bloggers Connect and the makers of ZYRTEC® Summer time!Most of people associate allergies with spring!But in Puerto rico we have an event call:Dust of the Saharah Desert in summer.In that time,allergies gets worts! Of course you don"t only look bad ,but feel worst! In my case my face get red, and my lips crack ...

Noviembre 9 de 2016 HOLA!!! Por fin os traigo mi lista de Noviembre cargada de recomendaciones y cosas que me gustan. Espero que os guste mucho, mucho. Este post me lleva bastante tiempo para que quede genial. LOT OF LOVE!!!. HELLO!!! Finally I bring you my list of November full of recommendations and things that I like. I hope you like it very much. This post takes me a long time to make it lo ...