Amazing beauty goodies by Dresslily!

Hi guys!

I got a beauty haul from Dresslily: I order 5 things (waiting for 1 package, soon on the blog) and I love all of them, and I cant get any of them to fit in my bathroom LOL! The struggle is real! But Im so happy!

I placed my order last July 25 (they sent an online invoice to my email) and was dispatched July 30 (I also received a tracking number the same date). I was able to receive my items in my local post office here in Spain after 2 weeks that it was said to be delivered. Cool! Please, click the pictures for more info!
Coupon (with extra discount): love2018 (extra 12% off over 20$)

Makeup brushes set with organizer 28.86$

11 brushes made with synthetic hair by Sixplus.

The brushes are extremely high quality, especially for the price point. The makeup bag is great and elegant. I wasnt really expecting a lot since you got a lot for you money but Im happily surprised! I always have great experiences with chinese brushes, totally recommended.

Silicone sonic face cleanser 9.65$

Cleanse your face of all dirt, reduce pore size, erase fine lines, the cleaner and massager is your ticket to a healthier, acne free, beautiful skin.

12 x 8.80 x 4.20 cm

This must be a version of the Foreo. I love the way this feels as I clean my combination skin. I also like to use it for some of the creams on my face. Am hoping that it helps my skin stay healthy as promised. But the feel is worth it to me! Lovely pink color and GREAT quality. In love.

Hair turban towel 5.86$

Easy for using: equipped with an elastic loop and secured button, just twist and loop it on your head. The water-absorbent material dries your hair quickly without hair damage or moisture losing.

They absorb a ton of water, dry fairly quickly, and save me from using (and washing) my larger towels. Love this mauve thing and take with me even when I travel!

Portable water flosser 6.48$

A cordless dental water jet that deeply cleans your teeth and interdental areas, preventing the formation of plaque and removing debris and food residue from in between teeth, even for the hard-to-reach areas.

22 x 4.5 x 2.8 cm
80 ml

I hate flossing so I bought this thing because Id like my teeth to last and my breath to be fresh. Easy to use! My mouth and smile are super healthy and beautiful now.

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