algo nuevo: deportivas Nike son of force

Trini blog | Nike Son of Force sneakers

New sneakers fresh from Denmark: Nike Son of Force. As the name says this is a “lower” version of the Air Force model. I know it is very popular out there, but I really dislike the platform so I wanted a different version and walking around the streets of Copenhagen I found these. I fell in love instantly! Just what I was looking for!

You can shop them HERE


Zapatillas nuevas traídas de Dinamarca (donde por cierto tienen la mejor variedad de zapatillas que he visto en muchísimo tiempo). Este modelo es el Son of Force de Nike, como el nombre lo pone el modelo hijo del popular Air Force. Aunque es un modelo mas popular la verdad es que no soy muy fan de la plataforma de este, y de casualidad paseando por las calles de Copenhague di con este otro diseño que me gustó muchísimo mas, y la verdad es que rápidamente me enamore!

Podéis encontrarlo AQUI



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Bottega Veneta sunglasses (get them HERE) | Toteme cardigan (get it HERE) | Saint Laurent bag (get it HERE) | Dyptique perfume (get it HERE) | The Row flats (get them HERE) | Sophie Buhai earrings (ge ...

1. Allude cashmere loungeset (get it HERE) 2. The Frankie Shop vest (get it HERE) 3. The Frankie Shop pants (get it HERE) 4. Raey sweatshirt dress (get it HERE) 5. Marni sandals (get them HERE) 6. Joh ...

Elizabeth and James sunglasses (get them HERE) | Tiffany & Co necklace (get it HERE) | Bottega Veneta earrings | Saint and Sofia dress (get it HERE) | Wolford tights (get them HERE) | Manolo Blahnik s ...

Old Celine sunglasses (get them HERE) | Bottega Veneta earrings | Saint and Sofia sweater (get it HERE) | Acne Studios jeans (get them HERE) | Max Mara coat (get it HERE) | Stella McCartney boots (get ...

Etiquetas: Purchasesnike



Copenhagen Denmark Outfits ...

As you can see not everyday in Copenhagen was sunny or hot. Some days were very much like fall and this one was one of them. So of course I went for my cream dungarees which are an excellent option for in between weather and paired it with a classic black sweatshirt (borrowed from Omar). Sneakers were my option almost everyday for touring the city. ——————— ...

Purchases chanel

A mix of some of my stuff and some of Omar’s. This picture was actually inspired by the mess we had living together for almost a month. You can’t even imagine how rockstar messy Omar can be on his own, much less how I can add to the mix. Of course I did place things a little bit better for the picture, but actually this was all lying around in our table. So here we go a mix of our stuf ...

Outfits spring Acne Studios ...

The new season has begun, but the weather is still the same, cold like winter. No problem for me, as I have been enjoying it quite a bit! ————————————————————————————————————— ...

Copenhagen Denmark Outfits ...

I am back from my extended holidays in Copenhagen! I have been wanting so much to post pictures and tell you about my adventures but I was non stop 24/7 enjoying the city and discovering new places with my bff Omar. I decided I would take a mini break from posting so my holidays could really feel like holidays and now I am back in Madrid with a whole lot of new pictures and content, starting a new ...

Purchases celine

My new ankle boots! Finally I have a new pair of boots, last time I bought a pair was back in 2014 and since then I have been struggling to find a pair that I liked and had the right fit. Early this year in Milan I came across the Bam Bam model by Céline (not this particular one, but another one) and I fell in love with them. The simple, yet sophisticated design, the versatility, I could not pass. ...

Outfits spring louis vuitton ...

Wearing my corduroy tan jeans with loafers and a classic lightweight jumper. This is probably the last day of corduroy of the season (at least for me), so must make the most of it. I usually pair this pair of pants with either black or white, and today I was feeling more of a black vibe. To finish, my classic black epi Alma which I love dearly! ———————R ...

Madrid Outfits Spain ...

The weather is still a little winterish so I am still in cold-weather mode. I am wearing yet again my favorite coat, a black classic one with a black and nude outfit. I don’t wear nude that much, but when I do, I realize I need more garments in this color. Something I love: white sneakers, comfortable and easy to wear, and always a good option for any color combination and outfit. — ...

fall Outfits Adidas ...

A classic combination I can never get tired of: jeans + sweatshirt/sweater + white sneakers. This are my self-frayed jeans from last year and each day I wear them I love them more. The style is so unique (labeled 684), and with my DIY addition it is one of a kind! ———————————————————&# ...

fall Outfits Balenciaga ...

Wearing a classic fall combination: jeans and sweater. These particular pair of jeans are vintage 501 and the sweater is an oversized model from Balenciaga from the Alexander Wang era. I paired this combo with classic flats one of my staples, this black pair is eight years old and is still very much going strong. ————————————& ...

fall Outfits chanel ...

Today I’m waring my favorite skirt yet again, it is by far one of the most amazing garments I own and the outfit possibilities are endless. Today I wore it with my dark grey sweater and Chanel accessories. ——————————————————————————— ...