As you can see not everyday in Copenhagen was sunny or hot. Some days were very much like fall and this one was one of them. So of course I went for my cream dungarees which are an excellent option for in between weather and paired it with a classic black sweatshirt (borrowed from Omar). Sneakers were my option almost everyday for touring the city.
Como podéis ver no todos los días en Copenhague fueron de verano. Unos pocos días se ausento el sol y parecía mas bien otoño. Una de mis prendas ideales para el entretiempo es este peto en color crema que combine con una sudadera que le cogí prestada a mi amigo Omar. Para recorrer la ciudad la mejor opción son zapatillas así que opté por una de mis favoritas las Gazelle de Adidas.
Ray-Ban wayfarer sunglasses (get them HERE) | A.P.C sweatshirt (similar HERE) | MHL Margaret Howell dungarees (similar HERE) | Daniel Wellington watch (get it HERE) | Adidas Gazelle sneakers (get them HERE) | Céline Cabas bag (get it HERE)