
Hello bloggers! What hath been the weekend? I hope you enjoyed, I"m super happy because I finished all my exams.
With regard to post, these photos a few weeks ago but we were a bit forgotten in my camera.
To them I chose a basic black skirt (which you can give multiple uses), (summer color), black heels and my new and beloved bag yellow shirt.
I hope you like it.A huge kiss, 


Hola bloggers! ¿Qué tal os ha ido el fin de semana? Espero que hayáis disfrutado mucho, yo estoy súper feliz porque ya acabé todos mis exámenes. 

Con respecto al post, estas fotos las hicimos hace unas semanas pero se quedaron un poco olvidadas en mi cámara. 

Para ellas elegí una falda negra básica(a la que le puedes dar múltiples usos), camisa amarilla(el color del verano), tacones negros y mi nuevo y adorado bolso. 

Espero que os guste. 

Un beso enorme, 


Shirt: Primark 

Skirt: H&M 

Bag: MK 

Heels: Primark 

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¡Hola bloggers! Ya sé que llevo algún tiempo sin publicar en el blog pero lo cierto es que la universidad me está quitando todas las horas del día. Hoy os enseño este look que fotografiamos hace varia ...

¡Hola bloggers! El otro día recibí un paquete con ropa de la web Desires. El primer look que decidí fotografiar ha sido éste, con pantalón y camiseta deportiva a juego. No son los looks que suelo util ...

Hello bloggers! I continue to share photos of our trip to Córdoba with you. As you can see in this post there are two different locations, one is a famous street known as "Calleja de las flores&q ...

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Etiquetas: generallooks



general looks

Hello bloggers! Sorry for not having published before but this week was a bit busy studying for two exams. Yes, I have many looks saved to teach :) Today I show this, the truth is that when I posted a picture on my Instagram I liked so I hope more photos like you as much or even more than the other.That week beginning is very nice for all of you! Hope you like it.A big kiss, Lydia. Bonjour bloge ...

general looks

Hello bloggers! We"re midweek and I look forward to the end and that"s been a week of exams. The look of today what you could see on Saturday in my Instagram account. I decided to wear this dress in military green with my new heels that I"m completely in love. For accessories I chose black, gold details and my new sunglasses from GiantVintage. What do you think? I hope you like it. ...

Looks slider zblog ...

Hello bloggers! The look I show you today what ye could see yesterday in my Instagram. A simple look, black jeans, white shirt stamped, heels and maxi bag. For evening I included a white American middle sleeve. Do you see how good I am accompanied by birds? :) I hope you like it.A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! El look que os muestro hoy lo pudisteis ver ayer en mi Instagram. Un look sencill ...

street style looks

Hola de nuevo y muy feliz miércoles, ya queda menos para el fin de semana así que mucho ánimo! además, dicen que va a mejorar el tiempo (una razón más para ser feliz)!! :) Este año tenía una obsesión en mi mente, bueno más bien dos (una no se puede enamorar solo de una cosa jejeje) una de ellas era el bolso de flecos que visteis en el post anterior y otro eran unos zapatos en un color amarillo- ...

general looks projects ...

Hello bloggers! Again Monday but when it is summer does not seem to matter that much, right? Today I bring a special post and do not come alone but I have in my blog Blog Zaira Your pineapple juice. As you know, in this kind of collaboration always we carry some clothes together and in this case was: a skirt of flowers. And this pattern is certainly stamping spring / summer so you should not miss ...

general looks projects ...

Hello bloggers! Already in Ecuador week ... how you are doing it? These pictures seem to me the most beautiful of my trip (do not know if you"ll agree). We did in this beautiful place and when evening came, although it was cloudy day and we could enjoy the sunset but still did not matter. I opted for a basic black dress that I like so, so simple and basic it is. I walked with heels I could no ...

moda blue casual ...

I"m wearing: Shirt/Camisa - Persunmall(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Blanco(Old), Sandals/Sandalias - Stradivarius(Old), Skirt/Falda - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI. Today I received a very good news is that I"m among the finalists to be the it girl of Marie Claire. I want to again thank all who have voted me, especially my friends and my boy. THANKS. When you start writing a blog you can not ima ...

Looks slider zblog ...

Hello bloggers! September begins tomorrow and all I think about is: how quickly spent the summer! They say its not a bad return to the routine but I honestly hate him and if he could kill people who say that lol. The pictures that I show you did yesterday and today is not a look of those who say: wow, what garments combined! but that on the basis of a black dress like this I added the color red he ...

moda amarillo blazer ...

Buenos días!!! Hoy os dejo un look con uno de los colores de esta temporada, el amarillo, que por cierto a mi me encanta! Los zapatos tienen ya bastantes años, pero a pesar de que son cómodos no los suelo utilizar mucho, así que están nuevos prácticamente, me parecieron perfectos para completar este look. De nuevo boyfriend, y blazer, con otras de las gafas que me llegaron desde ZeroUV la semana p ...

moda zblog projects ...

¡Hola bloggers! El pasado sábado decidí combinar mis nuevos botines negros con tacón con mi falda en color granate de Zaful. Los botines son imprescindibles en cualquier armario al igual que una falda de este estilo. ¿Qué os parece? Espero que os guste. Un beso enorme, Lydia. Hello bloggers! Last Saturday I decided to combine my new black booties heel with my Zaful garnet skirt. Booties are a mus ...