Hello bloggers! Already in Ecuador week ... how you are doing it?
These pictures seem to me the most beautiful of my trip (do not know if you"ll agree). We did in this beautiful place and when evening came, although it was cloudy day and we could enjoy the sunset but still did not matter.
I opted for a basic black dress that I like so, so simple and basic it is. I walked with heels I could not help but take them off and walk barefoot (I love) and a silver bracelet. What do you think?
I hope you like it.A huge kiss, 


¡Hola bloggers! Ya en el ecuador de la semana...¿cómo os está yendo todo? 

Estas fotos me parecen de las más bonitas de mi viaje(no sé si estáreis de acuerdo). Las hicimos en este precioso lugar cuando ya atardecía, aunque estaba el día nublado y no pudimos disfrutar de la caída del sol pero aún así no nos importó. 

Yo opté por un vestido básico negro que me gusta por eso, por lo sencillo y básico que es. Lo acompañé con unos tacones aunque no pude evitar quitármelos y andar descalza(me encanta) y una pulsera plateada. ¿Qué os parece? 

Espero que os guste. 

Un beso enorme, 


Dress: Zara 

Heels: Primark 

Bracelet: MartinaMoon 

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¡Hola bloggers! Ya sé que llevo algún tiempo sin publicar en el blog pero lo cierto es que la universidad me está quitando todas las horas del día. Hoy os enseño este look que fotografiamos hace varia ...

¡Hola bloggers! El otro día recibí un paquete con ropa de la web Desires. El primer look que decidí fotografiar ha sido éste, con pantalón y camiseta deportiva a juego. No son los looks que suelo util ...

Hello bloggers! I continue to share photos of our trip to Córdoba with you. As you can see in this post there are two different locations, one is a famous street known as "Calleja de las flores&q ...

¡Hola bloggers! Hoy os comparto las últimas fotos de nuestro viaje y viéndolas ya me entran ganas de volver de nuevo porque realmente Córdoba me robó el corazón. El último día visitamos la Mezquita y ...



general looks

Hello bloggers! How about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? How Santa Claus behaved with you? I hope very well because you deserve it. I for Christmas Eve chose this look for dinner, you know that I love the color black so I chose these high-waisted shorts with this blouse and black heels. For accessories I only chose this silver bracelet, I did not recharge the look. What do you think? Hope you li ...

Looks slider zblog ...

Hello bloggers! September begins tomorrow and all I think about is: how quickly spent the summer! They say its not a bad return to the routine but I honestly hate him and if he could kill people who say that lol. The pictures that I show you did yesterday and today is not a look of those who say: wow, what garments combined! but that on the basis of a black dress like this I added the color red he ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Postm super short as studying for three exams (and that just started). This look what ye could see last Friday in my Instagram, its a very simple look (no need to declare it says), composed of black jeans, blazer pin, converse, my new red bag to give a touch of color and my new shirt | OH MY DIOR | is a basic shirt with letters that I love because it can combine more casual with je ...

general looks

Hello bloggers! Happy Sunday :D Today I am writing from the bed, I caught a cold and I do not want nothing more than to be here. Today I show you some pictures that we did just yesterday, I chose this look to go to the birthday celebration of my boy. I did not want to go arranged as if it were a wedding but not to go with a very casual look so opted to go for black and white, with jeans and heels ...

moda me outfits

Buenos días a todos! ¿Os ha pasado alguna vez ver una prenda y que surja el amor a primera vista? Pues eso me pasó con este vestido en blanco (pronto lo enseñaré) y cuando vi que también estaba la misma versión en negro no me lo pensé dos veces, mío, mío, mío jejeje. Es muy sencillo, con un tejido y una caída que me encanta y sirve para casi cualquier ocasión, aunque en mi caso imposible de llevar ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! How did the Kings behave this year? With me the truth that too well and I do not know if I behaved so well to have so many gifts hahaha. As you know I continue studying and studying but I try to make a way to update the blog. This look is two weeks ago if I remember correctly and it is very simple because as you see I opted for sneakers and white jeans but I gave a more formal touc ...

Looks slider zblog

¡Hola bloggers! Despues de dos semanas publico nuevo post ¡ya era hora! Ya sabéis que ando súper liada con los exámenes y ayer me dijeron aún más fechas, no se de donde voy a sacar tiempo la verdad. Respecto al look, está formado por básicos en tonos grises/negros y blancos y para destacar unos buenos tacones de color rojo al igual que mi pintalabios. ¿Qué os parece? Espero que os guste. Un be ...

Looks slider zblog ...

Hello bloggers! Happy Friday! I now only think tomorrow night concert for I will go and Im already looking forward, Im counting the hours! : D Todays post is a little short and that is the day we did these photos was extremely air and it was impossible to make more pictures, the hair on the face, top it up with air ... a disaster! Although now when I remember that day I laugh did not lol :) The lo ...

general looks projects ...

Hello bloggers! Happy start to the week :) As I told you on Friday and you have already seen, the blog has changed his appearance slightly. He had been one wanting it to change but lack of time he had done but at last came the day time. After a full weekend of work and with the help of my guy did all the changes (although sometimes I despaired a little if not leave me something). I hope you like t ...

general looks

Hi my dear bloggers! After a week without updating for public order and post is that I"m quite busy because of already started school fairs are now my people and of course, I do not stop at home haha. The look that I teach today do not know what will seem to you but I love it. I did not know what to wear to go out on Saturday and popped into my mind this look in black and white and did not ...