
Hello bloggers!
The look I show you today what ye could see yesterday in my Instagram. A simple look, black jeans, white shirt stamped, heels and maxi bag. For evening I included a white American middle sleeve. Do you see how good I am accompanied by birds? :)
I hope you like it.A huge kiss,


¡Hola bloggers!

El look que os muestro hoy lo pudisteis ver ayer en mi Instagram. Un look sencillo, jeans negros, camisa blanca estampada, tacones y maxi bolso. Para la noche incluí una americana blanca de media manga. ¿Veis lo bien acompañada que estoy por los pajaritos? :)

Espero que os guste.

Un beso enorme,


Shirt: H&M

Jeans: Stradivarius

Necklace: Mango
Bag: MK

Heels: Primark
Bracelet: ThePeachBox

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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:

¡Hola bloggers! Ya sé que llevo algún tiempo sin publicar en el blog pero lo cierto es que la universidad me está quitando todas las horas del día. Hoy os enseño este look que fotografiamos hace varia ...

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Hello bloggers! I continue to share photos of our trip to Córdoba with you. As you can see in this post there are two different locations, one is a famous street known as "Calleja de las flores&q ...

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Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! I regret not having updated just this week but since I started school and I have little time to take pictures :( for this reason I doubt I can keep updating the blog 3 times a week but I promise you yes at least once :) The look of today ye could see him yesterday in my Instagram. I think the star of the look are my new boyfriends. With this type of jeans had a little dilemma is th ...

Hello bloggers! Today I share a look with which I feel "very" and that could lead this look every day without getting bored because I felt very comfortable and casual. As I said before, very much. As you can see the look is made up of my new cardigan in gray. Seeing it on the hanger Store did not convince me too but was try it and I thought, yes, Ill take it now. white pants, white shirt ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Today I quickly show you the look we photographed last Tuesday, really simple but with a more refined touch to include the boots with wide heels. I chose to combine this black maxi coat with jeans in the same color and jersey in gray. To contrast a little I included the mini bag in celestial tone. What do you think? I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! Hoy os ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! How are you? I leave you with a super quick post because Im stuck in bed about to go to sleep. The look I show you today what ye could see a week or a little more in my Instagram (@lydiacorzo). It consists of black shorts, white lingerie shirt, purple biker and high-heeled boots in the same color. The biker is of the same web as that taught you the other day, Dezzal. Regarding this ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I write from college to start classes again and I really cost me get used to having classes also in the evenings. Today I show you some pictures that made some weeks ago. As you can see the look is not too risky or complicated: white pants, suede jacket in brown, white blazer with side slits, heels and bag following the same tones and my new sunglasses from Roberto sunglasses. Beca ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Thousand was not published twice a week so I took advantage of my vacation to do so. Today I show you a look that I love. I used a maxi coat in camel color and my new heels AmiClub in the same tone. Heels though they may be a bit high places were really comfortable, it seemed as if it were on planes. To give a lighthearted touch I chose these boyfriends that I have seen on numerous ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! This week you have me twice here, huh? I wear a crazy week with five tests so imagine. When I see these pictures I remember inevitably Saturday and pizza so rich that I ate, I can assure you that pizza was the richest in the world but obviously without cheese (I hate hate hate hate cheese). The main garment clearly look today is my new coat of white. It was a bargain, from 50 euros ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Postm super short as studying for three exams (and that just started). This look what ye could see last Friday in my Instagram, its a very simple look (no need to declare it says), composed of black jeans, blazer pin, converse, my new red bag to give a touch of color and my new shirt | OH MY DIOR | is a basic shirt with letters that I love because it can combine more casual with je ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I hope you are enjoying this holiday either at home or with plans out :) Today I show you the pictures we took last Friday and yes, forgive my face that day but it was still a cold and fever. As you can see the main star of this look is my new web Gamiss bomber. In the previous post I spoke of this website and although I said that I liked the shirt I have to say that I love this bo ...

zblog Projects slider ...

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