Hello hello my preciousness! How about the day? I hope that great! If Im honest, Im struggling not to fall asleep before leaving you a new post! Today, play a new wishlist with ZAFUL
. You already know that I love this store! I teach you thousands of things and they are all beautiful, of good quality and at a good price... I have left my favorite dresses on your website in three categories. The first, Long sleeve prom dresses, with spectacular long-sleeved party dresses, where I show you two long dresses blue tone, one with a very sweet baby blue color and another a blue navy with more character, and the third is a dark green pleated dress that I find very elegant and different. The second, White backless dress, with gorgeous super sexy backless dresses for girls who love to teach back. I have also chosen them for long sleeves, since we are in winter and, in addition, I find the long sleeve and backless dresses super sexy. One of them, I have chosen it in a single color, the bordeaux that gives a lot of personality and the other two dresses I have chosen them with floral print, one darker one darker with brown flowers and laces on the neckline and another one more light, with a light blue tone (again this color appears), with pastel flowers and knotted at the nape. And finally, my third category, Midi dresses, with elegant midi cut dresses that are very feminine! Here if it is true that the first dress I have has a touch more spring, but I love it too and also, time flies and is already the new seasons, so it seemed good to show them. It is yellow with floral pattern in red tones, bare shoulders and a shirred rubber on the chest to fit the body perfectly on the chest. Another midi dress is in a burgundy tone with two slits on both sides. This dress is more casual but looks great with sneakers and high heels and the last one in a blue tone with a striped pattern. And finally, I chose to show you a navy blue midi dress with white stripes print. The stripes never fail, stylize the figure and I love them! I hope you like it!! Be happy!!!


Prom Backless Midi


Blue dress


Navy maxi dress


Green dress



Velvet dress


Floral dress


Blue dress



Yellow dress






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Etiquetas: Lookbook
