Vestido rojo de dama de honor

Hi sweeties! Today I want to show you my july wishlist of Rosegal with two new trends: Red dress bridesmaid and Blue skater dress. You can see my selection of favorites on the following pics. Hope you like it!

¡Hola encantos! Hoy os quiero enseñar mi nueva lista de deseos de julio de Rosegal sobre dos nuevas tendencias: vestidos rojos para damas de honor y vestidos azules de estilo skater. Podéis ver mi selección de favoritos en las imágenes a continuación. ¡Espero que coincidamos en alguno!

1- Vestido color vino AQUÍ, 2- Vestido rosa AQUÍ, 3- Vestido rojo AQUÍ

1- Vestido azul marino AQUÍ, 2- Vestido estampado AQUÍ, 3- Vestido rayas AQUÍ

You want some new clothes, why not taking a look over here?

Summer sales ongoing, all from 33% off. Use code RGEN for another 10% off!

Time for a new outfit!

Surprise code: RGEN

¿Queréis nuevas prendas en vuestro armario? ¿Por qué no echar un vistazo a las rebajas de Rosegal? Podéis encontrar prendas con rebajas desde un 33% de descuento. Ademas usando el código RGEN tendréis otro 10% de descuento extra.

¡Es el momento de hacerse con un nuevo outfit!

Código: RGEN

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¡¡¡ Buenos días Bauler@s !!! ¿Qué tal va la primavera? Por aquí tuvimos unos días de mucho calor pero, ya sabéis, hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo, así que esta semana ha vuelto el frío y de n ...

¡¡¡ Buenos días Bauler@s !!! Pasar del odio al amor es posible y es lo que me ha pasado con los pantalones de campana o de "pata de elefante". Durante mi adolescencia los usé y los amé como ...




Today Im going to show you two new Rosegal trends: 3D printed dress and Light brown dress, both ideal to wear them this spring-summer season despite the fact that some of the garments that you will find in their selection are inspired by other times of the year. Hoy os voy a mostrar dos nuevas tendencias que podréis encontrar en la web de moda Rosegal: Vestidos con estampados 3D y vestidos en tono ...

I have already told you many times that my favorite garment are dresses and today I want to show you two new trends: button up dress and dress with slit. You can find the dresses that I show you in the following pictures in the store Zaful Ya os he comentado en varias ocasiones que mi prenda favorita son los vestidos y hoy quiero enseñaros dos nuevas tendencias, los vestidos con botones hasta arr ...

Looks Projects zblog

Hello bloggers! Today I show you some pictures that we did last Saturday with my new dress. I really love these dresses skateboarder type tighter the top and the flight of the skirt. In addition, he love me back dress, would not it happen to you like? To color the look I chose this maroon bag and matching lip tone. What do you think? I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! Hoy o ...


¡Hola bonitas! Me han contactado de nuevo con la página web de Rosegal. En el post de hoy os traigo algo diferente, no siempre una wishlist, ni enseñando ropa. Os quería enseñar los tipos de bolsos que tienen en la página. Tienen bolso pequeños (tipo bandolera) bolsos grandes (tipo colgar del hombro), bolsos cruzados en la espalda (tipo mochilas) y carteras. A parte también tienen clutch para fie ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Im showing some of the photos we made during our holiday. This time I decided to release this mini dress I received a few weeks ago the web RoseGal. You know that in the summer I love these types of dresses because they are the most comfortable to ride out the hottest days. This dress is the most special back, I find it beautiful. I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola blo ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! The penultimate week of class at the University is ending and I am increasingly overwhelmed between practices and exams that will come in January. Im going to die ... yeah ... Today I show you a full color nude look where I want to highlight the Danity Paris web dress. Usually I usually wear dresses with another type of cut, skater skirts, etc. But seeing this on his website I said ...

estilismo lookbook moda ...

Today I wanted to wear a comfy outfit without having to sacrifice the chic factor so I decided to pair my neon dress with a pair of fun stockings, my biker jacket that is very light and my new ankle boots that I found extra comfy and awesome! The booties and the jacket give the dress an informal hint and add the rocker look and feel that I love so much. The black gives balance to the neon and I th ...

Looks Projects zblog

Hello bloggers! How do you carry around the routine? I hope you well and does not cost much but to me the first ... I want to go back to the beach haha. The look I show you today is a bit more settled with the monkey that I show Zara but clearly the most important of this look are my new heels red web Amiclub Wear that drive me crazy and my new clutch Sammy Dress . Is not this nice? I hope you lik ...

As you all know I love Zaful, at this moment is one of my favourite online fashion stores. I especially love their dresses and now Im thinking of buying a long wrap dress so in this post I wanted to show you my new wishlist Como ya os he comentado mas veces, ¡¡me encanta Zaful!!, de hecho es una de mis tiendas online favoritas. Especialmente me encantan sus vestidos, ¡tienen unos diseños geniales ...


Hello my girls and happy day! How are you? I want to introduce you LightInTheBox, a global online retail company that delivers products directly to consumers around the world. Founded in 2007, LightInTheBox has offered customers a convenient way to shop for a wide selection of lifestyle products at attractive prices, available in multiple major languages. With products in the three core categories ...