I"m wearing: Boyfriend jeans - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Heels/Tacones - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero - H&M(FW14-15).

Good girls days
I have to apologize for my absence last week. I was a bit off with one thing and another and I could not update as frequently as usual.
Since I have these boyfriend jeans I can not stop wearing them. I love to combine them with heels, especially those of Deichamnn that have become a must for my day.
What do you think of my bag with houndstooth print? I was taught in the showroom of Deichmann and I thought had a good chance to create casual looks and and even more formal.
You are going to get tired of seeing this hat in my outfits but it always looks round ends. A basic hat will look good with almost everything, is a closet :)
A big kiss and lots of encouragement to you on Monday!


Buenos días chicas,
tengo que pediros disculpas por mi ausencia de la semana pasada. Estuve un poco off entre unas cosas y otras y no pude actualizar con la asiduidad de siempre.
Desde que tengo estos boyfriend jeans no paro de ponérmelos. Me encanta combinarlos con tacones, sobre todo con estos de Deichamnn, se han convertido en un must para mi día a día.
¿Qué os parece mi bolso con print de pata de gallo? me le enseñaron en el showroom de Deichmann y me pareció que tenía muchas posibilidades para crear looks casual y e incluso más formales.
Os váis a cansar de ver este sombrero en mis outfits pero es que siempre termina de redondear los looks. Queda bien con casi todo, es un sombrero básico en cualquier armario :)
¡Un besazo y mucho ánimo con el lunes!

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I"m wearing: Blazer - Chicwish(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Slipons - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Pants/Pantalones - Bershka(Old), Shirt/Camisa - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Zara(FW14-15). Tuesday. I miss the s ...

I"m wearing: Boyfriend jeans - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Heels/Tacones - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero ...

I"m wearing: Slippers - Deichmann(FW14-15), Jeans - Zara(Old), Hat/Sombrero - H&M(FW14-15), Bag/Bolso - Stradivarius(FW14-15), Shirt/Camisa - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI. Good morning girls, Th ...

I"m wearing: Skirt/Falda - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater/Suéter - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Suite Blanco(Old), Booties/Botines - Marypaz(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Coat/Abrigo - Chicwish(F ...



moda blazer denim ...

I"m wearing: Blazer - Chicwish(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Slipons - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Pants/Pantalones - Bershka(Old), Shirt/Camisa - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Zara(FW14-15). Tuesday. I miss the summer. I hardly see how it gets dark at six o"clock, I miss walking through the field until sundown. I expect short days, weeks seem to never end, and cold, very cold. The look of today I made a ...

moda slippers stradivarius ...

I"m wearing: Slippers - Deichmann(FW14-15), Jeans - Zara(Old), Hat/Sombrero - H&M(FW14-15), Bag/Bolso - Stradivarius(FW14-15), Shirt/Camisa - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI. Good morning girls, These days have been very busy and could not update but here is a new post. Big kiss and you"ll have a nice day ;) _______________ Muy buenos días chicas, estos días he estado muy liada y no he pod ...

moda pantalones de campana nys collection ...

I"m wearing: Jumpsuit/Mono - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero - H&M(FW14-15). Tuesday. When I was 14-15-16 years my closet was full of bell bottoms. Sure that you are my age remember all the girls were wearing these pants in high school, in fact if anyone dared to wear a skinny pant was like .. "horror!" hahaha ... I even thought that I would ...

moda stradivarius casual ...

I"m wearing: Coat/Abrigo - ?(Old), Heels/Tacones - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Skirt/Falda - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater/Jersey - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Scarf/Pañuelo - Stradivarius(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI. Good morning girls! Monday again :( This week I have spent a bit wrong to shoot photos. Adán has started working again but his schedule and mine ar ...

street style boyfriend jeans fashion ...

!Buenas noches sweeties! A un paso de fin de semana, y con ganas de aprovecharlo al máximo. Hoy os enseño el look que lleve el pasado viernes y es de esos looks que me encantan por su sencillez, pero que son ideales. En él look de hoy llevo mis pantalones boyfriend que ya habéis visto en otros looks, con mi nuevo jersey de pelo de color marrón y mi nuevo abrigo beige. Lo combiné con unos zapatos b ...

moda mister spex mustard ...

I"m wearing: Skirt/Falda - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater/Suéter - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Suite Blanco(Old), Booties/Botines - Marypaz(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Coat/Abrigo - Chicwish(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI. Wednesday. You know that I love the color mustard for dressing. It is one of my favorite colors for the sweater. When I went to Zara I bought two identical different color (you can ...

street style boyfriend jeans chanel jacket ...

!Buenas noches sweeties! Vamos a por el último post de la semana con un look muy chic que es ideal tanto para ir a trabajar como para el fin de semana. Hace tiempo que buscaba una chaqueta estilo Chanel, pero no acaba de encontrar la mía, y cuando vi esta, me enamoré completamente. En este look, la combiné con mis pantalones boyfriend y una camiseta cruda, con mi bolso estilo Chanel y mis nuevos z ...

moda casual chicwish ...

I"m wearing: Coat/Abrigo - Primark(FW14-15), Pants/Pantalones - Bershka(Old), Boots/Botas - Marypaz(Old), Shirt/Camisa - Chicwish(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero - Primark(Old). Thursday! It is almost done week :) Today I showed a little winter look but the other day it was really cold, especially in the morning. Do you satisfied with the faux fur coats? ...

moda fall outfits ...

We’ve been back to having awesome weather once again so while I transition into fall I keep some of my favorite summer elements and mix them with my fall essentials. This outfit is just the case. I am wearing one of my favorite sandals with an otherwise very in between seasons outfit. The skirt I am wearing is a very good example of a perfect transition garment. I am usually a mini skirt gir ...

moda madrid outfits ...

Still in winter but I feel this is a very early spring outfit, and that is of course because we’ve been having awesome spring weather lately. So socks and coats have been suspended for a while, and we can enjoy this: transitional weather clothes. I am wearing another of sale purchases, that I bought while I was abroad, and lucky for me this too were an awesome fit. This was easy though becau ...