We started the week with good news, the web online sales Zalando has created a competition for bloggers, I know it will be almost impossible to win due to the large number of blogs participants, the reason that I encourage to you to vote is that voters also have reward and the reward for you is a gift card valued at 500 ???.
Votar es muy sencillo, solo tenéis que pulsar en este enlace, o en link que aparece en verde en la parte derecha de esta publicación. Solo tenéis que poner vuestro correo electrónico por si sois uno de los ganadores, y lo mas importante poner la url del blog que vais a votar. no tenéis que aprenderos de memoria la url de ningún blog antes de entrar en la votación copiar de la barra de estado y luego pegar y mucha suerte.
Voting is easy, just have to click on this link or link that appears in green on the right of this publication. You only have to add your email to be in contact if you are one of the winners, and most importantly put the url of the blog you are going to vote. you don"t have to learn by memory the URL of any blog, before entering the voting copy of the status bar and then paste, and good luck for every one.
Y si tenéis un blog aun os podéis inscribir el concurso esta activo hasta el próximo día 15 de octubre, aquí os dejo el link por si queréis inscribiros.
And if you have a blog you can still register your blog the competition is active until next October 15th, here I leave the link in case you want inscribe.
Gracias por tu voto, si te animas a participar házmelo saber, cuenta con mi voto
Thanks for your vote, if you decide to participate let me know, you has my vote
Muchas gracias por pasar y comentar
Thanks so much for your comment and visit