

El verano parece ser que por fin ha llegado a Galicia, así que, aunque las tendencias de otoño piden paso a gritos, yo me niego a llevar ropa abrigada; ya nos llegará el largo invierno gallego para llevar abrigos, botas y sombreros de fieltro!
Así que os enseño este vestido (lo he cosido y ahora es un mono) que he utilizado un montón este verano, junto con mi collar favorito, que últimamente no me quito de encima!
Que paséis un feliz fin de semana, el mío pinta movidito!!

Yeah: summer is here! I know it’s a little weird, but September is being such a warm month in my city, so I refuse to dress up in warm clothes. Winter is soooo long here, and there’ll be enough time for coats, boots and fedoras!
Have a nice weekend!







Dress (as a playsuit) /Vestido: Zara    Espadrilles/Alpargatas: Stradivarius

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Los gustos y tendencias en la moda es algo que nunca quedara atrás, Y es que el mundo esta en un constante cambio y a ese cambio se le suma la moda. La moda es algo especial que va de vestir al cuerp ...

Un post rapidito, para enseñaros el segundo de los looks que he preparado para estas fiestas, con este vestido de nueva temporada de Zara y un jersey vintage súper abrigadito (tenía pensado ponerme un ...

Este año tenía claro que, para fin de año, quería dos cosas: ir de pantalón/mono y que los colores fuesen azul y negro; pero, en lo del pantalón, he fallado!!! Después de buscar y buscar, no he encont ...

Nada, que ayer me fui a Rusia a pasar el día… Feliz viernes a todos!!! Well… yesterday I spent my day in Russia… Happy Friday everyone!!! Shirt/Camisa: Zara   Jeans: Pull ...

Etiquetas: modasin categoría



moda outfits summer ...

So I am finally wearing this beautiful white midi skirt I got at MaxMara store in Dubrovnik. I completely fell in love with it at first sight, it is super versatile, the material is thick so no see through but it is also fresh for summer, and it’s machine wash…like 1% of my clothes…finally something that I can wash at home! Since white color gets dirty easily this factor in my op ...

moda copenhagen denmark ...

I am in Copenhagen, came for fashion week and stayed because of the beauty of the city (and the fact of course that my BFF lives here), so you will be seeing a lot me here this next few days (or weeks). I have not been able to post yet, because I have been so busy sightseeing, meeting new people and enjoying every second of the day, that when I come back home I am drained and can’t even open ...


Las listas son algo que me traen de cabeza, algunas como «Lugares que debo visitar antes de morir» o «Libros que he de leer antes de que termine el 2013» son mucho más ?amigables? que otras, dejémoslo así, por eso he decidido hacer una mini lista de las cinco tendencias que más veremos esta Primavera/Verano 2013, cuando sea que el buen tiempo decida instalarse en la península, claro. Lists is some ...

moda copenhagen denmark ...

Second Copenhagen outfit! I’m am seriously in love with this city and it’s amazing summer climate. I was having such a hard time dealing with the heat and what to wear in Madrid and here it is just a pleasure getting dressed, so easy, anything goes for this weather! So of course I am doing long sleeves, more pants and sneakers and so far I’ve nailed it everyday. For a lovely shop ...

general #ad #review #beauty ...

Por Yamilet Gutierrez Cuando yo era una niña,mis abuelas amaban una fragancia[que todavia venden]llamada Maja.Compraban perfumes,talcos,colonias.En fin,era el perfume favorito de las abuelas. When i was a child,my grandmothers love a fragance call Maja.They bought perfum,cologne,powder.Was grandmas favorite scent! Actualmente mis perfumes veraniegos son los Fragance Mist y los body spray. My favo ...

Outfits summer Acne Studios ...

Wearing my summer black midi dress with my new denim jacket because it’s a windy morning here in Segovia. It has been a quick stop in between places and I am super comfortable in my ballet flats. ————————————————————————————&# ...

playa look playa moda

¡¡Hola a todos!! Por fin estoy por aquí, ya de vacaciones y tranquila. Llevo tiempo sin actualizar, pero para mí esta plataforma es una vía de desconexión de mi rutina, de hacer algo que me encanta, con lo que disfruto y que me ha aportado muchas cosas positivas, por eso jamás se convertirá en una obligación, y si me véis por aquí es porque realmente quiero estar y disfruto con ello. Al fin descan ...

Madrid Outfits Spain ...

The heat is on, and summer is here, which means I would normally be in a dress and some sandals, but since March we have been moving a lot in motorcycle so pants are a better option (in terms of comfort and safety) for this type of vehicle. I guess this summer will be more focused in light fabrics and longer silhouettes at least for me. ————————̵ ...

general blog de moda blogger ...

Days back I went to the launch of the Spring - Summer 2014 collection of Nicci Boutiques. It was lovely to meet the most fashionable people of Joburg and get to know the new range which looks absolutely beautiful (see my video below). At the end of the event, we were spoilt by a very nice massage at the Mangwanani stand outside of the boutique. *** Hace unos días asistí al lanzamiento de la colec ...

moda designers and collections wes gordon

Instead of sharing with you my favorite collection from Milan Fashion Week, you’ll have to excuse me, but this time i’m skipping it because I did not like any of them. At least not completely. I did like some garments, maybe one or two from some collections, but overall, none of them fit my style or my taste. That’s why i’m going back to New York Fashion Week and I am shari ...