Buenas tardes chicos. Qué tal va el finde? nosotros aprovechando a tope porque estos últimos fines de semana está haciendo muy buen tiempo, asi que descubriendo sitios nuevos.
El look de hoy es muy rosa, la falda ya la he sacado alguna vez por aquí, pero esta vez la he combinado con mi camisa nueva de Renatta&go.
Good afetrnoon! how are you? we are enjoying the nice weather we have lately.
Today’ look is very pink. I believe that I have already shown you this skirt but this time I’ve mix it with my new shirt of Renatta&go.


La falda es de La Lola, sandalias de Nekane y bolso de Calzados Montero.
Esta semana intentaré hacer un recorrido virtual por las tiendas para presentaros prendas de la colección de otoño que me imagino que en estas fechas ya apetece ver qué se va a llevar y empezar a abrigarse un poquito.
Skirt: La Lola
Sandals: Nekane
Bag: Calzados Montero
This week I am preparing a virtual visit to show you the new clothes you can buy for the new season. Kisses!!!

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Qué tal ha ido la semana? Yo hoy me he dado cuenta que ya se respira el ambiente de Navidad. El frio se ha instalado, las calles con sus luces, los mercdados de Navidad por todos lados… qué gana ...

Las fotos de hoy las tomamos hace unos días en los jardines del castillo de Chantilly, es un pueblo a unos 60 kms de París. En este país hay muchos castillos para visitar y a mi que me encantan, asiq ...

Hola a todos!!! Qué tal fue la semana? Yo ya me recuperé de stos días tan movidos y ya preparada para la siguiente visita, quién será? jaja. Je ne sais pas… El look de hoy es muy relajado e info ...

Llevo cuatro años con el blog y yo creo que no me he hecho fotos en ninguna vía del tren, asi que hoy estreno escenario. Éstas fotos fueron tomadas por mis hijas hace un mes y no pensaba fotografiarme ...

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Hola, qué tal ha ido el puente?  lo bueno es que esta semana ha sido cortita y aqui la semana que vien otra vez tenemos otro puente, asi  que no nos podemos quejar, jeej! En este look de hoy mezclé un poco prendas de verano, como la camisa que llevo con las de otoño ( el resto) Hi, how have you passed these days? We have had a short labor week and we also have a bank holiday next week! In this loo ...


Today we look backwards to this amazing year that arrives to the end... A year full of emotions and memories that will stay forever on my heart. It has been a compicated and hard year, we have closed chapters and opened new ones, laughts and cries, we have fulfill dreams and some there are still to come. I have come across amazing people along the way and I gratefull for that. This year my persona ...

accesorice Looks

Goodmorning! Weekend is nearly here! Sinde we arrived in this island we have change a lot our mores, among others the way we dress, I have realize that half of my wardrove is useless here, but that the accesories are perfect to change normal looks in more special. Also that you need to have your bikini each time because you never know how the day is going to end and where you will take a swim :) I ...

zblog slider Looks

Hello bloggers! How was your week? I am becoming eternal, I do not know if I do not do more than study and study all the week or ... and is that next Thursday I have a history exam and Im on the nerves (how strange in me, ¿ true?). I think in almost all of Spain the temperatures fell almost in chop and we went from the short sleeve to the shelter but last Saturday gave a little respite and I was a ...

converse looks new yorker ...

¡Buenos días! Post súper rápido para enseñaros este look que llevé durante mis vacaciones para hacer recados e ir a comer fuera con mi chico. Todas las prendas son de otras temporadas y ya las habéis visto por aquí. Feliz fin de semana a todos. Good morning! A quick post to show you the look that I wear during my holidays. All the clothes are from other seasons and I showed you other times. Have ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I hope you are enjoying this holiday either at home or with plans out :) Today I show you the pictures we took last Friday and yes, forgive my face that day but it was still a cold and fever. As you can see the main star of this look is my new web Gamiss bomber. In the previous post I spoke of this website and although I said that I liked the shirt I have to say that I love this bo ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! As we are in mid-April and soon comes the month of May and with him communions, baptisms and many weddings today I bring you a recommendation to a new website. This web is called Dresses of girl and in her you can find dresses for special occasions like communions, if you are invited of a wedding or it is your graduation in the institute or university. You have very varied styles f ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I show you some photos of the last days of our vacation. We visited a new place, called Tossa del Mar, which we had not seen before and suddenly came up with this idea. The truth is that we had a great time and I loved the views so I still think that things that are not planned are the best, do not you think? I opted for a simple look with shorts type mom and this cute top of strap ...


Qué tal? Ya va quedando menos para las fiestas. Yo aquí, preparando las maletas y no me cabe todo lo que quiero llevarrrr! Habrá que hacer la maleta con básicos y muy básicos. Hoy os traigo un look invernal por el abrigo, a mi parece muy amoroso y todavía no me lo había puesto este invierno. How are you? Holidays are coming!! I am preparing the valise and it is too small for me!!!! I will have to ...


Hola chic@s!! Miércoles, ecuador de la semana y con un nuevo post, en el que seguimos con outfits perfectos para las fiestas que se aproximan y cada vez están más cerca! De nuevo, nos vestimos de fiesta con Blanco & Negro. Hi guys!! Wednesday, midweek and a new post, in which I will continue to teach perfect outfits for the festivities approaching and are increasingly closer! Again, we dress party ...