Review Montagne Jeunesse : Dead Sea Face Spa Sheet Mask

Hi Sweeties.

This review surely already reaches some of your emails with just the pictures, what happens is that Blogger again deleted the whole post and to top it by mistake I sent the incomplete review. Honestly I get too upset and Im super discouraged that that happened. I am currently suffering from kidney pain and I can not sit for a long time, so unfortunately this review is not going to be as substantial as the original, I apologize for that.

After a long time I decided to try this brand of masks type veil of quick use, ie it is a treatment that works in only 5 minutes of use, for people who do not have time and want to feel rejuvenated quickly.

The mineral enriched dead sea salt, calming pressed seaweed and red algae relive tired, stressed skin leaving soft and rehydrated.
It has the amount of liquid needed to impregnate the entire mask, initially I thought it had dried up because there was no liquid in the package but it was not.

There is no serum left in the packaging after wearing the mask, something unusual since the masks I use often have a lot of serum.

Wash my face previously with my usual soap and leave the mask for 10 minutes, I must say it was a Wao! Since applying it, is really refreshing. It feels like menthol and relaxes the skin. I must say that its smell surprised me quite a bit since it is somewhat strong and resembles that of medicinal herbs but then contributes in some way to relaxation.

Despite having a lot of serum, after using it for 10 minutes, the mask was still wet so it can be folded and stored in its packaging for later use, I keep it in the refrigerator.




Would I buy it again?


And you have ever used this mask? Tell me about it in the comments.Chu

Fuente: este post proviene de Jen Sy, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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