Review book Breaking Free

Por Yamilet Gutierrez

Disclosure:This book content adult language.Sexual theme.And explicity self-harm behavior Parents discretions  is recommended for those under 15 years of age.

I  love to read!I love it!That"s why i enjoy so mucho review good books.

The author SM Koz wrote a good book call Breaking Free.And i have the chance to read this book.

Read my reviews at Goodreads[this page is for books lover like me] here.

Read my review at Amazon here.

Welcome to the world of Kelsie Sullivan.A 15 years old rich girl who suffer at such a young age what other hollywood and rich people kids suffer when his parents is not around.How she have to deal with the dead of her best friend.Kill in a car accident.How she deals wuth the guilt she have ,because she drive drunk that night.Hate her stepmother.Feel her pain.And how to deal with that she just cut her wrist with razors blades.And how she end in a rehabilitation program called:Wilderness Terapy Program.

When i read this book i can feel how awfull this places was.I was so into the lecture that i just can"t believe this poor girl end in a place like that.

This book is very good.I really enjoy the lecture.The details the author give when she describe Kelsie feeling when she cut her wrist.Her relationship with JC.And how absent her father was in her life.I like the way the author describe every detail.

If you want a good read.This is a good book.But remember.This books is not for minors 

of age.


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