R o s e g a l: Top Recommendations

Hello, as I said before, Rosegal is one of my favorite online stores and today I am very happy to bring my wishlist of the Rosegal Top-Recommendations products on the page, all these items have incredible discounts, and all direct links to the products They will be under the images.


Extra 22% off, FOR ORDERS OVER 20USD, Use code :RGN20

1. Buttoned Plain Sweatshirt  / 2. Criss Cross Midi A Line Dress / 3. Stripe Graphic Casual Pullover Sweater

1. Buttoned Plain Sweatshirt: This first item is very basic but I love it, I think it is a perfect gift for my boyfriend because it combines very well with everything and black is always a success.

Criss Cross Midi A Line Dress: When I saw this dress for the first time on the page I loved it, I am not much of using colors in my outfits and less the green color because it is not my favorite but this particular tone is beautiful. The dress this type of form that suits any type of body, it is also very elegant and can be used without problems for the holidays that approach with the month of December.

3. Stripe Graphic Casual Pullover Sweater: The other month is my boyfriends birthday so I am looking for gift options for him, I chose this sweater because I like the color a lot and I feel it would fit him very well.

4. Christmas Snowman Greeting Print Removable Wall Art Stickers / 5. Handmade LED Light Christmas Snowflake and Feather Dream Catcher / 6. Christmas Pattern Hanging Metal Candy Box

4. Christmas Snowman Greeting Print Removable Wall Art Stickers: I love Christmas, it is my favorite month after April (the month of my birthday), so I chose a couple of products that have to do with the era that is coming, such as these stickers that are beautiful, and can be pasted on glass or any surface.

5.Handmade LED Light Christmas Snowflake and Feather Dream Catcher: I have always wanted to have a dream catcher and if it shines better, so when I saw this do not hesitate to add it to my wish list.

6. Christmas Pattern Hanging Metal Candy Box: This is a box with Christmas motifs that can be used to store sweets but I would use it to store my accessories, rings, earrings, necklaces, or at least the ones I use more and I want to have more within reach.


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