Hola!! ¿qué tal la semana?
Hoy os traigo un look en tonos neutros, el negro y el nude con prendas ya conocidas de otras temporadas. Para un día en el que salía el sol a intervalos decidí apostar por la trench, un clásico que no falla, que abriga pero tampoco da mucho calor. La combiné con jeans, sweater básico en negro, clutch y bailarinas tipo chanel con los dos colores protagonistas.
Espero que os gustase. Besitos y feliz día!!
Hello!! how was your week?
Today I bring you a look in neutral tones, black and nude garments already known from other seasons. For a day when the sun rose at intervals I decided to bet on the trench, a classic that never fails, that shelters but does not give much heat. The I combined it with jeans, basic sweater in black, chanel clutch and type dancers with the two protagonists colors.
I hope you liked. Kisses and happy day !!
Photos By L.C.V
Trench: Stradivarius Old
Sweater: Zara Old
Jeans: Lefties a/w15
Zapatos / Shoes: Springfield Woman a/w15
Clutch: Double Agent a/w16